Chapter 41 - That Ain't Bubblegum

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"Natasha! Eleanor!", Steve called after them as they began their journey through the hallways of the hospital, their destination unknown.

Natasha spun around to face him, whereas Eleanor slowly turned. "Why was Fury in your apartment?", Natasha got straight to the point, and well, Eleanor wasn't going to stop her, she wanted to know too. 

Steve sighed and lifted his arms up slightly as he shrugged, "I don't know". Bullshit.

Eleanor scoffed, "You can do better than that, Steve", she dryly responded. She didn't want to be lied to about Fury's death.

"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD", Rumlow interrupted the group. Eleanor looked over to him, but Natasha kept her gaze on Steve, wanting to know why the hell he was lying. 

"Yeah, give me a second".
"They want you now".
"Okay", Steve sounded fed up with being ordered around. 

"You're a terrible liar", Nat smirked when Steve turned around, his face almost turned into one of pity.

"Are you coming back to SHIELD?", Nat immediately shook her head, but Eleanor looked more hesitant, maybe she could find some answers at Headquarters. 

Steve looked slightly hopeful at Eleanor's reaction, he was still a bit angry with the two but would be nice to have some familiar faces around during this. But Nat turned to her and gave her an almost pleading look, so of course, she immediately shut down the idea of going back. "Sorry, Steve". They both then turned to walk away, leaving the Captain standing on his own.

Eleanor did feel a bit guilty, but he was lying to them, and she needed to focus on her girlfriend right now. She wasn't exactly known for having the healthiest emotional range. In private, at home, she would allow herself to feel and cry with Eleanor. But, the beginning of their grieving had been in a public hospital, and Nat was clearly holding back letting any semblance of emotion out. Eleanor just had to make sure that she wasn't going to do anything stupid like yell at a nurse if they bumped into her. 

Eleanor checked her phone and saw that it was 4 am, and sighed knowing that there wasn't a chance of any sleep until the night most probably, it was going to be a long, horrible day. 

"El, you okay?", Nat grabbed her hand again after hearing her sigh.

"Yeah, it's just late is all". Eleanor wasn't the best at showing her negative emotions healthily when in a public place either. 

Nat nodded as they carried on walking, they still didn't really know where they were going, so Eleanor abruptly stopped, which of course forced Natasha to stop as well. "Where are we going, Nat?", she almost winced as it came across way more defensively than she had meant. They were both tired. 

Natasha's face dropped slightly and she looked around, she felt a bit lost. "I don't know".

"Do you want to leave?", Eleanor made sure to lay out her question a lot more delicately this time. 

"No... I don't know. I don't want to go home, and I don't want to go to work". Eleanor nodded, she didn't really feel ready to leave yet either for some reason, she would have thought that staying in the hospital would have been the last thing that she would have wanted, but for some reason the idea of leaving seemed to solidify the events of the last three hours. 

"Let's just sit", Eleanor smiled and guided Natasha over to a few chairs that were randomly placed in the hall. They weren't extremely comfy, so she wrapped her arm around Natasha and guided her to lean on her so that she could hopefully be a bit more comfortable. 

"Are you hungry?", Eleanor asked after she gave Nat a quick peck on the crown of her head. 

"Not really, maybe in a bit though".
"Okay, well there was that vending machine down the hall where we last saw Steve, that guy was stocking it up so there'll be plenty of snacks", she laughed. 

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