Chapter 25 - More Gods?

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With the jet now up in the air, and a large portion of the journey being complete, Tony and Steve were discussing Loki, whilst Nat and Eleanor sat at the front, their main focus on piloting, the men could deal with Loki at the back. 

They had a bit of small talk but mostly sat in comfortable silence, with Loki being in the jet they didn't feel as comfortable with talking freely and cracking jokes, and Nat wanted to keep up a professional front with them for now. 

Fury had warned the Agents that he would contact them in the middle of their flight to do a check-in, so it wasn't a surprise when they heard Fury's voice come in over the radio. "They saying anything?".

Nat turned to look at Eleanor who just jutted her bottom lip out slightly and shook her head, eyes trained on looking out of the window. "Not a word", Nat responded for the two of them.

Loki had been completely silent over the course of the flight, which seemed uncharacteristic for them, especially when Tony had begun trying to annoy them by staring, which Eleanor quickly shut down because she didn't want an annoyed God on their jet. The silence was worrying, but they just needed to focus on getting Loki back to base. One problem at a time. 

"Just get them here, we're low on time", Fury responded over the radio.

Whilst Nat started adjusting some of the switches on the board in front of them, Eleanor turned back around to see Steve and Tony talking in a hushed manner, so she squinted her eyes at them. Deciding to join in, she unclipped herself from her seat and squeezed Nat's shoulder before getting up and heading over to the two men. Nat was confused at first but twigged onto what she was doing when she watched Eleanor walk away. 

"I don't remember it being that easy, they pack a wallop", Steve said as Eleanor reached the pair, she immediately knew that he was referencing Loki giving up when Iron Man arrived and not putting up a fight at all since. Steve gave a half-hearted smile at her, and Tony just gave her a quick nod.

"Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow", Tony directed at Steve.
"That's funny Stark, I said the same thing about you", Eleanor smirked.

Tony let his jaw drop before smirking back and playfully shaking his head, she was a worthy competitor. "I'm not 200 years old like the Cap here, what's your thing, Pilates?".

Steve frowned, "What?".
"It's like callisthenics, you might have missed a couple of things doing time as a capsicle". 

"Pilates can be fun to be fair", Eleanor absentmindedly muttered whilst looking towards Loki, trying to figure them out. Steve looked at her and shook his head slightly trying to re-focus on his conversation with Tony. He thought that she was a nice woman but was a little bit thrown off by her energy, especially as she is a spy in the intelligence business. 

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in", Steve spoke to Tony in a rather stern tone, making Eleanor snap her head towards him.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you". Eleanor frowned at Tony, not liking where this conversation was headed.

The trio were cut off by sudden, large amounts of lightning striking around the jet. "Where's this coming from?", Nat mumbled whilst looking around outside. Eleanor went back to the front and leaned over next to Nat to try and get a look at what was going on, they would have been warned if they were going to be going through a storm.

"What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?", Steve said when he noticed that Loki was looking a little antsy at this new development.
"I'm not overly fond of what follows".

Both Eleanor and Nat looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, having no clue about what Loki was referencing, but right before Nat was going to say something to her, something heavy landed on top of the jet making it shake.

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