Chapter 26 - Emotional Damage

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Once the hour was up, the two women were both rudely awoken by Natasha's alarm clock blaring at them to haul their asses out of bed. However, the thing that really woke Natasha up was her girlfriend slapping her arm repeatedly to get her to turn the alarm off. Natasha was so close to turning herself slightly so that she could kick Eleanor in the stomach to send her flying off of the bed, but she used self-control. 

All things considered, they slept rather well. Usually, they wouldn't be able to sleep with the anxious thoughts from the day swirling around in their heads, but exhaustion overpowered anything else that was going on in their brains. Once their heads hit the pillows they were out like a light. 

They would have preferred to have not removed themselves from the situation temporarily and continued working on getting Clint back, but they would be of no use to the team if they passed out in the middle of an altercation; so needs must. 

Natasha seemed to wake up more energised than Eleanor, who was practically still asleep on their walk back to the bridge to be told what to do now as further developments may have occurred during their slumber. 

Nat had to link arms with her girlfriend on their walk as she kept tripping on thin air due to her eyes being half-closed, "Come on Sleeping Beauty, we gotta get back to work". 

"I got woken up in the middle of deep sleep, I think I'm gonna need more than 2 minutes so shhh". Nat chuckled slightly at the response she had received, having dealt with her in this state all too often in the past.

They did manage to reach the bridge without any casualties, though there were a few close calls on the stairs. 

"Ah, Agents", Fury called out at them as they rounded the corner.
"Sir", Natasha nodded at him, whilst Eleanor blinked a few times and widened her eyes to stop them from closing, and smiled at the Director.

Fury gave them an odd look seeing one of his best Agents on the brink of sleep, being supported by another one of his best Agents but shook it off as he needed them in action right now. 

"I need you both to try and crack Loki, no one has gotten through to them yet, we need them to talk if we have a chance at understanding what mind games are at play here".

The two nodded and made their way down to Loki's cell at a fast pace. When Eleanor shook her head a few times and let out some heavy breaths it signalled to Natasha that she had now woken up fully, which was good as she didn't think that the two would be able to get through to Loki if they looked like a comedy act.

Eleanor had no clue if their attempts at getting a grip on what Loki was doing was going to work, and there was a lot of pressure on them. They were kind of the last resort move here, if they were unable to succeed in this then they are stumped.

"What's our play here?", Eleanor asked when they reached the door to the holding area. They were paired in a lot of interrogations in the past and so had come up with a few techniques that worked for the two of them.

"We act as though we are just colleagues, thanks to Stark's comment in the jet they probably know we are a thing if they were listening, but still act distant so that they don't think to use us against each other in the moment, kind of like a blank slate". 

Eleanor nodded along and hummed in agreement, "We need to get them to ramble, it's like that guy we detained from Puerto Rico when we got under his skin and he rambled and rambled and then slipped up, giving his entire life story away in the process".

"Right, right, that guy. If Loki resorts to getting under our skin we have to make it seem like it's working, they won't talk if they don't think that they have the edge", Natasha paused and held her breath slightly when looking at the door, causing Eleanor to look at her with some concern before she turned back to look at her with a blank look, "Let's head in".

The Younger Agent - Natasha Romanoff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now