Gun play

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Sliding into my car, I clipped together the seat belt and started the engine. Malik and Ray pulled up on either side of me. The ZL1 revved loudly, drowning out Ray's black firebird.

* Ray's firebird*

My eyes stared down the flag Emry held up

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My eyes stared down the flag Emry held up. Readying myself, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach feeling something cold press against the side of my head and hear a click. " Hi Princess."

Fuck. My eyes flickered to the rear view mirror and found Erik sitting up in the back seat with a gun to my head. He grinned. " Don't move."

The flag swung down and Malik and Ray took off but I sat there, terrified. " What are you doing?" I asked, frozen in place with my hands gripping the wheel.

Emry started my way and Erik shoved my head with the gun. " Back out."

" E-Erik-"

" Put the fucking car in reverse!"

Shoving it into reverse I started to back up, watching in the mirror as the crowd moved, some holding their hands over their mouths. Others shouted in confusion.

Hitting the brake, I tried to come up with a plan but Erik grew angry. " Sage you back out right now or so help me I will blow your brains out onto the dash!"

I let out a loud gasp as he shot a bullet through the passenger side window, shattering the glass. Everyone gasped as the glass fell into the car and onto the ground. My baby!

" Drive!" Erik barked, shoving the gun to my head.

Shoving the car into gear, I pulled out of the lot, tears welling up in my eyes. " Where the hell are we going?"

He crawled up into the passenger seat, firmly holding the gun to me still. " Take the highway. Any funny buisness and I blow your head off."

Okay. Okay... I swallowed hard, turning onto the highway. Fuck sakes... What do I do? I gotta get him out of here! I need someone's help!

" You're gonna pay for my window by the way, Erik." I said, glancing at him, trying to play it cool.

" What? You're in no position to make demands here."

I shrugged, signaling and sliding into the next lane. Damn how backed up is it up there? Starting to get thick.

" You're still gonna pay for it."

" Jesus christ, Sage you're stupid. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't shoot you in the head right now and drive your fucking boat of a car myself."

I scoffed. Asshole. Don't talk about my baby like that. " I'm driving, you idiot." I responded, weaving around another car. " Shoot me and I throw us off the side of the highway."

He grumbled something under his breath and while he did that I heard an engine roar behind me. My eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror and spotted the Zl1. Hell yeah!

Playing it cool, I tried to figure out how to hint to Malik that he has a gun. My window leuvers make it hard to see in so theres gotta be another way... The mirror! Yes!

I signalled and slid over hoping he could see Erik in the mirror. I hope he did...

Malik slid into my lane, staying behind us and out of sight. Glancing in the mirror noticing Malik with his hand out the window, he made a finger gun and then a thumbs up. Thank God...

" Turn off here." He directed, nodding toward the next exit.

Signaling, I started changing lanes and got off onto the exit. The ZL1 followed. Phew. " Where are we going?" I asked, turning the wheel sharply to get away from a fallen tree.

" Stop in front of Greg's garage." He snarled. Alright jeez... Signaling, I pulled into the parking lot and parked. Erik glanced at the entrance then at me. His hand went to his jacket. Huh? Pulling out a set of handcuffs he snapped one end on my wrist and the other to the steering wheel. " Move and your precious car becomes target practice."

Jeez okay! I kept my hands on the wheel and he stepped out. The Zl1 pulled up beside me and Malik got out. He winked at me before heading towards Erik. " Hey Erik!" He shouted.

Erik spun on his heels and Malik's fist connected with his face. He groaned in pain and went for his gun but Malik was too fast. He grabbed it and held it to Erik's forehead.

Oh no... My heart started to hammer in my chest seeing a large man step out of the doorway. Fuck no! I yanked on the handcuff trying to get out of it. No! Hitting the horn, I tried to get Malik to see but it was too late. The man's large hand grabbed the barrel of the gun.

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