Pretty petty

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Once cleaned up, I realized there was no point in going in for my shift. Its only a half hour till I'd be off so I just called Vickie to let her know. I'll work on my car instead.

Coming outside, I gasped at the long key scratch down the sides of my car. Oh that's it! Malik grabbed my arm as I went towards it. " Hold on, Sage-"

" No!" I barked at him. " Enough of this fuckery! Get in or go home!"

Opening my car door, I slid it and loudly started it up. Malik quickly got in the passenger seat and before he even had the buckles together, I was flying out the the driveway and slamming the gas. He's dead. First running into it, now coming here just to key it! What the fuck is this dudes problem?

" Sage!" Malik shouted, grabbing the oh shit handle. " Slow your ass down, you're gonna get the cops after us!"

My heart beat hard at the adrenaline of weaving around cars. He's dead. Oh he's dead. I've had it with him!

Whipping into his driveway, I grabbed a rock from the garden out front and sent it through his window, sending the car alarm to go off. I smirked seeing him come to the window with the key fob, ready to dismiss it.

Erik disappeared from the window and was down to the door by the time I got in my car and reversed out. " Don't mess with me, Erik. I'll fuck your life up." I called over the sound of my hellcat before taking off.

I smirked, glancing in the rearview mirror at him running his fingers through his hair, frowning at the mess of smashed glass. Next time I'll pop his tires. Just three so he can't be insured for them...

Now. To get this scratch out...


"Oh for the love of-" Niko sighed heavily as he followed me out to my hellcat. " You need to stop poking the bear, Sage. You're making things worse."

" He started it!"

" I don't care! Est stupido! You don't need any more trouble, hermana." ( he's stupid.... sister)

Oh did I forget to mention he is my step brother? His parents were from Mexico but his dad fell in love with my mom. Sadly he went back to mexico leaving us all behind...

I frowned watching him prep to remove the scratch for me. " Owen is very good at scratches, why not ask him to remove it, instead of me?"

" Cuz I need you to see what Erik has been doing to my baby."

" Erik, va a reciber una paliza, aqui, en uno minuto!" He muttered. " Especialmente si te toca."       ( Erik is going to get a beating here in a minute... Especially if he touches you)

I dunno what he just said but I understood the uno minuto part so I assume he was saying hes gonna beat his ass in a minute. Then I got the especially part out of the last bit but that's it haha.

" Est Stupido!" He ranted to himself just before he started to buff out the scratch. Hopefully it'll just buff out... I couldnt help but hear Niko continue to rant though. I feel bad for bringing him into it but I dunno who else to go to.

Flipping the empty pail over, I sat down on it and grabbed the bottle if wax. My heart hurt hearing him ranting in spanish. He does this when he is angry but doesnt want anyone to understand what hes saying. I'd imagine if I took it into my own hands to translate it, it wouldn't be nice.

" Lo juro!" He grumbled. " Ese chico esta muerto si sigue asi!" ( I swear! That boy is dead if he keeps it up!)

" Niko..." I whispered quietly, looking at him sadly.


is eyes stayed on the scratch continuing his rant. " Cuando lo veo, ha terminado! Esto es tan estupido que odio a ese nino. Lo odio!"  ( when I see him he's finished! This is stupid I hate that little boy. I hate him!)

Oh niko... he's pissed pissed...

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