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Rolling over in my warm bed, I stretched. The sound of a car alarm rang out but i was too groggy to even think about looking. Probably just the neighbors anyway...

Shutting my eyes, I tugged the covers back up. " Sage! Get up!" Niko shouted swinging my door open like a psychopath. " Sage, Erik crashed into the hellcat!"

" WHAT!" at those words I was wide awake. Dressed in my silk pyjama's and messy bun, i flew down the stairs. " No no no!" I cried out, hurrying to the door.

Whipping the door open, my eyes found the 370z rammed up the back of my hellcat. " No!" I cried, running to my car. My heart shattered seeing the back end crushed into his front end. " Erik you stupid ass!" I yelled at him. " What the fuck were you doing!"

" Sage, I am so sorry! It was an accident! I swear!"

" Erik get the fuck out of here before I strangle you!" I threatened. " Get off my property, get off my car, get the fuck out of my life!"

He raised his hands in surrender taking a step toward me. " It was an accident, Sage! I am so sorry! I will pay for it!"

" Fucking right you will!" I grabbed him by his shoulders. " Pay for it then get out of my life." I snarled. " Now get the fuck out of my sight before I give you internal bleeding."

Erik swallowed hard, holding my stare. " Okay." He agreed. " I'm sorry."

" Sage. Let the kid go." Niko spoke up, grabbing my shoulder. " Sage, he said he'll pay for the damage now let go."

I held onto him, not moving a muscle. He started to tremble under my gaze. Niko squeezed my shoulder and I finally let go, sending him stumbling back. Asshole!

I sighed deeply, looking at my prize possession. Now what? What do I do? He crushed the back end!

" We'll get it to the shop, just relax alright?" Niko spoke, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. " It'll look like new again."

I nodded and took a breath. Erik hurried into the 370z and backed out, showing the real damage of the car, peices of my taillights slid off the hood of his car. His front end looked worse than my bumper in all honesty... But still. How did he hit my parked car? How did he even find my house? I never told him my address.

Shaking my head, I crouched down behind my hellcat,standing in the broken peices and sighed. " Can you grab the toolbox from the garage? I'll see what kind of damage is under here..."

" Let's just take it to the shop, come on. It probably just needs a new bumper and lights."

" And I said I want to see what kind of damage is under here!" I snapped. " Get me the fucking toolbox or I wont work on your fox body anymore."

He raised his hands in surrender and went to the garage. I rolled up my pyjama sleeves and scooted under the back end. Alright. Bolts.

Hearing the toolbox clink down on the driveway, I grabbed it and pulled out a socketwrench. Loosening all of the bolts, I pulled the cracked peice of the rear bumper off and slid out from under it. Oh good. Minimal damage by the looks of it...

The metal sat dented but I could pull it out myself. Somehow he missed the muffler so that's a good thing. Looks alright but this bumper and the taillights is trashed. Now I have to find a replacement... fucker.

I sighed and headed upstairs to call for the parts. I swear this kid just- Can't drive! At all! How the fuck do you ram into another car that's in a driveway?

Taking a breath, I dialed the number and called for the parts. Once I did and knew I'd get it this afternoon, I relaxed a bit and got into the shower.


Rolling up my shirt sleeves, I sat on the driveway with the dent extractor in place. Malik sat beside me on his phone, talking to Erik. I really don't want to even think of the kid. Ugh.

Getting to my knees, I gripped the handle and yanked on it, trying to pull the dent out. Holy fuck. Yanking on it multiple times, it quivered under my strength but wouldn't fully pop out.

" Can you get under the belly and push on this? It's not coming out as easy as I thought it would."

Malik nodded, setting his phone down next to the toolbox and sliding under. While he pushed, I pulled and the dent finally pulled out, sending me flying backwards as the extractor let go. That was not supposed to happen but aye! It's out!

Malik laughed at me and gave me a hand up. He smiled, barely 5 inches from my face. " Want me to drive you to the shop to pick up the bumper?"

" Yeah, I'd like that."

Standing up straight, he stepped back and pulled his keys out and grabbed his phone before unlocking the Camaro. " Gonna forgive the kid?" He asked as we walked to the car together.

I shrugged. " Dunno. He really pissed me off. Like first off how'd he know where I live and secondly how did he manage to run into my parked car right in my driveway?"

"  You didn't tell him where you live?"

I buckled the red strap across me. " Nope. I woke up to a car alarm and Niko yelling that he crashed into my car."

The car started up loudly and he backed out of the driveway. Of course the old man sat on his porch watching me work this whole time so I caught him shaking his head at us.

" Okay... That's weird. Might want to ask him how he knew."

Oh I will. I'll find out.

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