Aw man

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Revving my hellcat, I stared down the long empty road, only illuminated by the streetlights and red light in front of me. I revved again, clutching the steering wheel harder. Eric's 370z revved on the left side of me and Malik's ZL1 on the right.

I met Malik's eyes and pressed harder on the gas making my car shake with power. He smirked and did the same. My eyes flicked back to the light just in time. As soon as it hit green I shoved into gear and slammed on the gas.

Malik stayed beside me for the most part but Eric wasnt doing too bad either. It seems as he is getting over the fear of power. But alas, I always win sooo, see ya!

Pressing harder on the gas and gearing up, I gained distance between me and them. Malik pushed on and caught up rapidly. The 370z lagged behind.

Coming to the next set of lights I slowed down letting them both catch up. " You always do that!" Malik complained. " Come on. I had you, you tricked me." He shouted over to me.

I stuck my tongue out at him. " You snooze and you loose!"

" Sage! 2 out of 3."

" Fine."

Watching the light, it hit green and we took off like a couple of rockets. His Camaro started passing me, his bumper slightly ahead of mine but I pushed on further. Head to head with flew down the road and straight through a red light. I didn't even care.

Malik neared the side of my car so I veered away. I honked once as alert to stop at the next set of lights, seeing them coming up.

Glancing down at my dash, the speedometer read 150kph.

Starting to slow down to 110kph, then down to 80kph, I hit the brakes harder so I didn't fly through the intersection. Gotta wait for Malik. Oh shit. And Eric! We left him behind!

Malik came to a stop beside me and I watched in the rear view mirror for Eric. What happened to him? Something must be wrong. His car can keep a half decent pace with us, I know it can.

Rolling down my window, I gestured for Malik to do the same. " Somethings wrong! Eric shoulda been not that far behind us!" I called over our engines. " I'm gonna go back and check!"

Driving into the intersection, I made a u turn and raced back, the ZL1 followed. I found the 370Z smoking on the side of the road. Oh boy...

Pulling off to the side of the road, I got out and up to the car. Eric rubbed his hands over his face. " What happened?" I asked, opening his car door and popping open the hood. Smoke instantly billowed out in a big cloud.

" I think I blew the engine..."

Way to go. I lifted the hood and fanned away the smoke. I sighed leaning a hand on the engine bays frame. " Will it start up at all?" I asked, taking my phones flashlight and shining it inside.

Eric went around and turned it over. The engine started just fine. " Not your engine dumbass!" I called. " Rev it!"

Watching the turbo, it didn't spin as he revved. Ah. Blown turbo, not the engine... What the? Sizzling sent me looking back at the engine. Oil? I touched it and practically burnt my fingers on the burning hot engine. Okay... I get the idea.

" Engines over heated, you're leaking oil and your turbo is blown. You're welcome."

" Oh for fuck sakes." He groaned loudly. " Can it be fixed?"

I nodded. " Well yeah. You need to get the oil leak fixed. That's probably the cause of the overheating because you're literally dripping oil everywhere, look. No oil for the engine to function properly. The turbos gonna need replaced though."

He nodded and sighed. " How'd I blow the turbo though? I did what you did."

" Overspeeding maybe. Hard to say, theres many causes."

Malik came up beside me finally and peered inside. " Bro."

" I know." He replied, pulling out his phone. " Calling a towtruck now."

Heading back over to my hellcat, Malik came with me and leaned his hand on the door frame next to me. " So much for that final race huh?"

I smiled up at him, running my hand through his hair. "  Maybe another time."

" Just us." He leaned closer to me, smiling. " But why wait? Maybe after they take the Nissan and him home."

I grinned flickering my eyes to his soft lips and back to his green eyes. Maybe I have a better idea... Him and our cars, overlooking the town on Royan's peak.

Snapping my eyes away from Malik's lips, I stared at Erik as he shouted over.  " Tow truck is on it's way. You guys should leave though in case you get busted for street racing. I'll tell em I was tryna go home to work on the leak."

I nodded and grabbed Malik's arm before he went to his car. " Meet me at Royan's peak."

He smirked at my words. " Bet."

Watching as he rushed off to his Camaro, i slid into mine and took off after him.

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