KH: COM: In a Nutshell

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"Peek-a-Boo!" An Organization Member spoke to Sora on the dark grassy plain.

"What the-" Sora immediately turned around before seeing the stranger disappear before reappearing in front of him.

"Follow me please. It is definitely not a trap." The Organization member said.

"Okay, I believe you." Sora agreed as he, Goofy, and Donald begin to follow him.

"Sora..." Riku muttered as he felt disappointed of his friend's obliviousness.

"Sora... I believe you should get properly taught in how to NOT talk to strangers when they talk to you." Aqua agreed with the same look Riku has.

Vexen, Marluxia, Larxene, Zexion, Axel, Namine, and Aeleus looked away with sheepish guilty looks on their faces as they remembered what was going to happen next.

Eventually, the Organization member disappeared as Sora noticed their path ended at a castle that was nearly in ruins with its structure being out of place. It was in fact that Sora, Donald, and Goofy had ventured towards Castle Oblivion.

Aqua's hand nearly balled into a fist as her mind begin to race on how did the Organization ever found that place while also being concern for Ventus' safety.

"Aqua" The boy in question asked as he looked at his friend with concern.

"It's okay Ven" Aqua smiled softly as she patted his head. "I'm okay."

"Yep, definitely not a trap." Sora says as he stared at the castle. "I think our friends are here!"

As soon as Sora and his friends entered the castle, they were immediately greeted by the black-robed stranger once again.

"Hello" he said.

"QUACK (Special move: Super Mega Ultra Donald Thunder Blast)!!!!" Donald yelled while raising his staff but no magic came out from it.

"Oh I remember this part..." Sora grumbled as he recalled the time that he nearly forgot all his spells. "I hate it..."

"Sorry Sora..." Namine apologized.

"I-It's okay Namine" Sora quickly apologized. "I-It's just that, I didn't like the fact that I had to face the Organization back on Square One again!"

"You idiot poop-face, in this castle you forget stuff really quickly." The Organization member told Sora before showing a card that depicts Transverse Town. "Also you can only attack with your cards."

"You didn't invite me?" Luxord placed his hands on his chest in pain.

"You weren't even assigned to the mission." Xemnas said.

"And, to be fair, you would give Sora cards that would destroy us all." Axel added to which the rest of the Organization members nodded.

"Fair point." Luxord agreed.

"Come forth, Blue Eyes White Dragon" Sora said as he held a card that has a picture of a white dragon with blue eyes.

"What the heck is that" Sora said as he never recalled having that card. "I don't recall seeing that before and what the heck is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

"Oh that's a card that some of my people play in my world and another world" Roland explained. "In my world, it is a card game that we play for fun. In the other one, it is pretty much the same but it is the pride and joy and life-and-death kind of thing over there."

"Oh..." Everyone said.

"Do you think we might be able to enter that world?" Hayner asked.

"Sadly no." Roland said which caused the boy's head to look down.

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