What You Have to Do

Start from the beginning

"You're not leaving!" Iskall walked forwards but False stood infront of him.


False smirked. "Not a chance."

"I'll kill you if I have to."

False readied her sword. "Take your best shot."

Iskall charged and brought his sword down onto false. She blocked and took a stab.

Grim grabbed his head. The sounds of clanging swords were loud, louder than they should be. It hurt.

Doc gently approached Grim. "Come on. We can fix everything."

Grim felt a piercing gaze from Stress burn into his skull. Iskall and Falses fight still occurring. He grasped his hair. He had to get out, he had to get out now. He turned to the archway and charged.

When Grim hit the sliver barrier it shattered. Shards of translucent grey went flying and as soon as they hit the floor they faded to nothing. Doc looked up, Grim was gone.

He laughed out loud. "It worked!"

The fighting stoped.

"What?" Iskall spoke in disbelief.

Stress looked down, tears forming in her eyes. "Come on Iskall. Let's go."

She grabbed Iskalls hand and ran out the room.

False put her sword away. "Now what?"

"We wait." Doc fidgeted with his fingers. "And hope he makes the right choice."


Grim was in large room. Although he didn't feel like Grim, or Ren for that matter. The room he was in was made of logs and planks. It didn't seem like a normal room, there were doors covering the walls each of varying wood types. He decided to open one slightly and poke his head through.

He saw what looked like himself, wearing a pirate outfit. He was running across a deserted island. He was holding a map in one hand and what looked to be a skull in the other. When the other Ren got closer he noticed the skull had a moustache on it.

"Come on moustachio! Treasure be on this here island!"

Ren chuckled. It was long Ren silver. He remembered this. When he acted as a pirate and went treasure hunting with a moustached skull as good luck.

He closed the door. He wondered what was in the others. He opened another. He saw Iskall was standing outside a saloon in dead dog gulch. The small western town he built a while ago. He saw himself and Doc facing each other in the street and wearing cowboy outfits, hands close to firework loaded guns.

This part was fun. Ren and doc had a lot of fun doing this part. Ren the kid and Doc holiday. He closed the door before he could watch the standoff. It didn't end well for him.

These had to be memory's. He opened another, waiting for a moment he recognised. That's not what he saw. It was him with three other people. He was wearing a blood soaked golden crown and a thick grey cloak. He recognised one of the people with him. Etho. One of the others was a boy with blonde hair, a green bandanna and a long dark crimson cloak. The boy grabbed the other Rens hand.

"We've got this, my lord."

"That we do, my hand." The other Ren replied.

The other one he didn't recognise had black curly hair and spoke in a soft voice. "I don't know Martyn. It's been a bad day. Impulse betrayed us and we lost Skizz. We're outnumbered, they have dogwarts. I think this might be it."

"Don't worry Bigb. We're not giving up quite yet." Martyn gave a soft smile.

As they approached a hill there was tall stone walls held by wooden pillars.

The Ren pulled out his axe and yelled. "Red winter is coming!"

They broke through the walls and as they did 4 figures dropped down. Scar, Grian, Impulse and Tango. They instantly moved into battle. It wasn't long before Etho was hit in the chest with a flame bow and fell down.

Ren watched as the other Ren and Martyn attacked Impulse, unleashing their golem on him and pretty soon Impulse was dead.

They then moved onto Tango as Martyn sliced at him and Ren shot at him. Soon Martyn's blade found its place right at Tangos neck.

In the moment of victory one of Grians arrows stuck right into bigb's neck.

"No!" The king Ren climbed underground and reappeared next to Scar

"Where is he?" Scar looked around frantically. Ren threw lava and soon they were both burning. As scar sliced and ren blocked, the red king shouted. "Scar! It is you and me to the death, laddie!"

Ren backed up and shot flaming arrows. A few of Scars hit him in the shoulder, arm and leg.

One of his Arrows met Scar in the gut. Scar was almost dead. He almost had him. As Ren aimed for the killing blow one of the flaming arrows hit him in the chest. He took heavy breaths and dropped.
He was left flaming, crawling to Martyn.

Martyn looked over. "My lord!"

There was only fear in his eyes as Scar snuck behind him and went for the kill.

Ren closed the door and retreated the the wooded room. What did he just see? That wasn't a memory.

He opened one last door. It was him, just Ren. Restocking his log shop. He was living and normal life. This was him.

He stepped through. He let the light of this memory into his soul. He felt warm. That's when it all went black and he woke up.

Ren stepped through the metal archway. Not Grim, Ren.

Doc looked up. "Ren!"

Tears formed at Ren's eyes. "Dude!"

He ran up to Doc and hugged him tight. "You fixed me. I love ya face, dude."

"I've missed you so much, Ren. It's been so hard."

"It was so horrible. I was cold. I didn't feel anything. It was only anger." Ren thought back to the battle. "I killed people, Doc. So many people."

"It's ok. It wasn't you." Doc held him tighter.

"Oh my god. Stress. We need to help her."

"We will. But i think we've earned a break." False gently approached.

Ren's face broke out into smile again. "Falsie!"

He ran and hugged her. She lifted him up off of his feet and spun him around mid air. "It's good to have you back, Ren."

"What the hell?" A familiar voice spoke. Grim stepped out of the portal.

Ren turned around. "You!" He walked over. "You did this! Stress might be gone forever and it's all your fault. You made the code irreversible."

It was when the entire building started rumbling that Ren realised he may have more important problems at the moment.


I am so sorry it took this long
Also, over 1k reads
It may not seem like it but that is insane

Next chapter: Down in Flames

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