Chapter 1: Birthday girl

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Jasira had woken up from her sleep. Sun rays were shining through her curtains and she heard birds chirping outside. She yawned and stretched before getting out of bed. She went to her bathroom to wash her face and shower.

After showering, she put on a nice outfit she picked for herself. After doing her hair and getting dressed, Jasira went downstairs to the kitchen. She saw 2 maids in the kitchen rushing to finish something. Those maids were Rosa and Diane.

Rosa is sweet, trustworthy and is a little strict with Jasira. Jasira often talks to Rosa for advice and is she needs emotional support. Rosa has long blonde hair and silver eyes. Diane is funny, caring and she isn't as strict with Jasira. Jasira and Diane do a lot of fun things together. Diane has short brown hair and hazel eyes.

Jasira: Morning!

Diane and Rosa were startled by Jasira's voice. They turned to face her with nervous looks on their faces.

Rosa and Diane: Good morning Jasira!
Rosa: *nervously* You're up quite early.
Jasira: I was too excited to sleep in.

Jasira noticed that they were trying to hide something from her.

Jasira: What are you hiding?
Diane: It's nothing.
Rosa: We can't keep it a surprise anymore Diane.
Diane: But it's not even done!
Rosa: We don't want to give her diabetes.
Jasira: What's not done?

Diane and Rosa brought out a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with icecream, which was Jasira's favourite food for breakfast!

Rosa and Diane: Happy birthday Jasira!
Jasira: Thank you!

Jasira smiled and hugged Diane and Rosa.

Jasira: I almost thought you forgot.
Rosa: We can never forget your birthday.
Diane: Exactly! What kind of mothers would we be if we did?

Rosa and Jasira laughed.

Diane: Now eat your pancakes before they get cold. We'll join you.
Jasira: Okay. Thanks again.
Rosa: Anytime Jasira.

Jasira took a fork and her plate to go sit down and eat.

Jasira: Oh, did my dad say anything about my birthday?

Diane and Rosa exchanged glances.

Diane: But I'm sure he was waiting for you to wake up. He wouldn't forget.
Jasira: Yeah. He's just been so busy lately, I feel like we're kinda distant.
Rosa: Your father is just trying to make sure you're safe. He wants to give you the best the world has to offer. He did say he'll come talk to you later.

Jasira smiled again and gave Rosa a side hug.

Jasira: Now, are you guys going to join me?
Diane: Just give us a few seconds.

Diane and Rosa got plates with pancakes for themselves and the 3 of them sat down to eat.

10 minutes later

Jasira: Those pancakes were delicious!
Diane: We're glad you enjoyed them.
Jasira: Please teach me how to make them? So I can treat both of you.
Rosa: It's our job to serve you though.
Jasira: I know but I want to know for mother's day next year.

Hearing this made Rosa and Diane smile. Suddenly, they giggled a little bit.

Jasira: What's going on? Is there something on my face?
Tyler: Nope, except the huge smile you're going to have on your face.

Jasira turned around in her seat and saw her father standing behind her chair, with a small basket of her favourite sweets and a jewelry box. She jumped up and hugged her father.

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