Clean Up! Clean Up! Everybody Clean Up! (The Man Seen By No One)

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Mirabella looked at Bruce before starting, a look in her eyes that said 'You're the last tale to tell Gramps.' Something told him that his story was saved because he was the oldest...not that he minded of course.

The camera panned downwards to reveal a litter and trash filled area, as an old man, Bruce, picks up the trash, As black silhouettes pass him by.

"Grandpa Bruce! It's you now!" Phil said cheerfully, sitting in his mothers lap. Bruce's eyes went wide, Did that little boy think of him as his grandpa?

The blackened shadows continuously pass Bruce by as he cleans the litter around the park, as his face is with determination. After a little while, He finally cleans up the area, letting out a little proud chuckle as the park around him sparkles.

"I never knew that you were the one that cleaned up the park Darling." Lucy said. Bruce nodded "Yes, I always have. I just wished that it would stay clean for a few days..." He said. Lucy looked confused, "What do you mean darling?" She asked.

The camera panned upwards to show the night sky. The moon changed to the sun, and the night turned to day as the camera panned down reveal a horrified Bruce looking at a trash covered sidewalk AGAIN.

"Oh...that's what you meant..." Lucy said quietly, shocked at just how quick the park got trashed. "Oh Bruce, you should take a break...Let the park get trashed and let people see..." Mara said, grasping Bruce's hand. The old man shook his head "Even if I did, it would just get even more messed up than before." He said. "He's right you know, no one would listen to him." The bandaged man near them said

Bruce then began to clean up again, as the silhouettes paid him no mind. Some of the silhouettes ran past him, kicking around the litter and making Bruce's job harder than it was. Even if Bruce asked them to not litter, they heeded not his words. Suddenly, two of the silhouettes passed through Bruce as if he wasn't there...

Bruce instinctively grasped at his stomach, as if he would suddenly become intangible like he saw on screen. "It's alright Bruce, you won't turn invisible. " Mirabella reassured. Both the Stones didn't seem to be at ease by her words.

The can in Bruce's hand suddenly dropped as he gazed down at his hands as they slowly faded away until the camera flashed back to Bruce's...still visible clothes. The camera zooms back to reveal that the world surrounding Bruce had been turned into mountains of trash. The invisible old man dropped to his knees as a small gust of wind blows away what's left as the mountain of trash comes crumbling down...and then it all goes Dark.

The Stones held each other close, Mara didn't want to lose her husband just because some people didn't want to pick up their litter. The bandaged man next to Bruce didn't seem to like the sight of Bruce's work conditions as well "Whatever you two are thinking. Stop it. This hasn't exactly happened yet...even if Bruce has been doing this for a while..." Mirabella said.

Mara shot the ghostly woman a hard look. "Oh, so you're OK with my husband toiling over other people's litter without so much as a thank you?!" She yelled, standing up to confront her. However, before she could, bandage wrapped wires came around her and stopped Mara from getting any closer.

"Mirabella! Stop that!" Bruce cried, but she only shook her head. "I'm not doing that Bruce." She stated. The old man saw that the bandaged man next to him was doing that. "I am, and while I admit, I don't like people passing Bruce by with out helping him or giving him a thank you, you can't just blame Mirabella for what's going to happen." He said to Mara. The elderly woman calmed down enough for her to be let go as the bandaged wires uncoiled around her.

The screen lit up once more to reveal Leo/Emma standing on a bunch of platforms floating in thin air. Suddenly, they heard a cackle. Something passed by them but they couldn't see what it was. Something passed behind them, but what it was, was still unclear...

The children shivered at what Leo and Emma had to fight, at least the last 11 they could actually SEE what they were fighting...but this one could turn invisible at will. How were they going to fight him?

Suddenly, the Negaboss made himself known as a large body with two socket plugs for hands made itself known.

The bandaged man next to Bruce gave a cheerful, if not electronic sounding chuckle "Well would you look at that! I finally made my way onto the big screen." He said. "Yes Hooverton, you have...and Mara, please don't try and knock him out." Mirabella said, as Mara slowly slunk back to her seat, holding Bruce's cane.

The scene then showed Leo/Emma landing the final blow onto Hooverton. The electronic monster floated around dizzily before dark fog spilled from him. A bright light then erupted from the Negaboss as ot slowly shrunk back down into the kindly old Bruce.

Bruce smiled at the two children that helped him, he was Happy that SOME did see him, even if it was in a magical world and he was saved from being a monster created out of Negativity.

The old man smiled at Leo/Emma as they walked towards him, before the screen is bathed in white. When the white goes away, the three of them float off of the ground and begin to dance, as the platforms around them spin and strange sreatures around them join them and dance as well, before the screen went white again

Mara giggled at her husband, smiling at the dancing on screen. "I always knew you Still had a sping in your step Brucey!" She said. Bruce gave her a cheeky smile as he kissed her cheek "I've never lost it!" He said.

The screen lit back up to reveal a can being thrown at Bruce's feet.

Sana glares at the screen "SERIOUSLY!! SOMEONE JUST THREW IT AT YOUR FEET?! CAN'T THEY SEE THAT YOU'RE TAKING A BREAK?!" She yelled "Easy Sana...we haven't seen it all yet." Eis said, carefully grasping her shoulders and guiding her back down.

Bruce looked from where he was sitting, before a cheerful, yet tired smile appeared on his face. He picked up the can and put it in his trash bin while sparkles appeared around him...and two silhouettes could he seen looking at him. One of the silhouettes then put their trash in the trash can, As they lit up, Bruce noticed their presence. A little boy smiled at him as he rubbed his nose and a little girl did the same, shyly holding her hands behind her back.

"It's me! Grandpa Bruce look it's me!" Phil cheered. Iben looked down at the boy on her lap, hee future son helped Bruce? That must be why he called him that.

Bruce smiled at the extra help as the camera panned upwards to some birds flying away before it showed Bruce again,  as it showed more people helping him, lighting up from their silhouetted forms. Soon even more people helped Bruce, Even Balan. Bruce then wiped his head as the crowd helping him applauds for him. He let out a happy chuckle as the area around them sparkles

Bruce felt happy tears come to his eyes, looked and sounded like a dream come true! He FINALLY was seen by the younger generation and finally got the help he always asked for.

Mirabella smiled before she addressed the crowd. "Now that everyone's stories have been finished.  It's time to discover what lies in store for our young heroes, Leo and Emma." She said...only to discover both children and their families were gone!

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