A Painter's Worst Nightmare! (The Artist with Painter's Block)

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The screen lit back to life to reveal a crowd of patrons staring at a beautiful portrait of flowers in a basket.

"Wow!! That is a beautiful portrait!" Cal said, admiring the canvas filled with color.

The camera then shoots forwards to reveal the basket of flowers is actually a basket of multiple paint covered brushes, before changing angles to reveal a artist, Lucy, working on her latest masterpiece

Lucy gasped "It's me! Darlings I finally get to see what happens!" She said, and while Lucy was optimistic, she was also worried...what exactly could be wrong with painting? A critic? A heckler? Someone who hated art altogether?

The angle changed to show Lucy working in another portrait, as it zoomed into the canvas, revealing the jars of paint and brushes as it turned to show Lucy still working, after it it changed again to show the sun has set and the moon shone bright...but Lucy was still working, albeit with a more unsatisfied look on her face.

"Uh...Mom? Are you doing OK?" Clem asked, his different colored eyes gazing to his mother. Lucy looked at her son with a unsure look. "I'm...not sure if I'm being honest darling, It looks like I'm getting...frustrated." she said. The woman next to Lucy then gazed at her, he neon clothes practically overwhelming Clem's eyes. "Don't get too frustrated darling, makes you look older." She said, much to Lucy's annoyance.

The scene cuts back to the gallery, as some of the patrons dissappear, revealing a new portrait of Lucy looking with a frustrated look. The camera zooms in on her to reveal that she IS getting frustrated. The camera turns around to show Lucy repainting and repainting multiple portraits, as the canvases around her began to stack up higher and higher.

"Oh dear...I'm afraid the impossible has happened..." The lady next to Lucy said. Neither son nor mother liked that tone. "Which is?..." Clem asked in cautious tone. The lady turned towards the two of them "Darling boy...your mother had gotten what all artist fear with every fiber of their bodies: Artist Block." Clem gasped and turned pale as Lucy fainted and toppled to the ground

"ARTIST DOWN!! WE'VE GOT AN ARTIST DOWN!!" Mirabella yelled as the humans crowded around the fallen painter. "Balan! I need some smelling salts, now!" She shouted. Balan quickly snapped his fingers and a bottle appeared in Mirabella's hands. Acting quickly, she opened the bottle and waved it under Lucy's nose.

Lucy's eyes fluttered as her vision came back to her. "Mom! Are you OK?" Clem asked, quickly helping his mom get back on her feet "Oh Clem darling...I had the worst nightmare, We were watching the future, and this lady next to me said I got artist block." She said...however, Clem's look said otherwise "It WAS a dream...right?" She asked "You mean nightmare, and no. It was NOT." The brightly dressed woman from before said. Lucy felt herself feel lightheaded again before Clem got behind her to keep her from fainting again "Nope, Nope, C'mon mom, you can soldier through." He said. Lucy dizzily got back into her seat, trying not to faint over again

The scene then showed the gallery once more as they ALL vanished due to Lucy's newest painting: a crude painting of herself. The horrid portrait then glowed dark purple before revealing a truly miserable Lucy, slashing at a canvas with black paints as her apron was completely splatter with inky colors. The poor artist screams as the camera zooms upwards, revealing the mountains of canvases that trapped her, before black paints then cover the screen, making it go black

Lucy held back a gasp of terror. She really DID get artist block. Her worst nightmare had officially come true. Clem looked at his horror striken mom and back at the woman who told her this would happen. If he had to guess, this was the human version of whatever his mom was going to turn into...

The screen lit up to show Leo/Emma standing inside of a swirling, endless hallway, a pink swirling sky of colors at the other end. Suddenly, a spiked golden canvas filled with black paint bursts out of the spinning panels as a head with a paintbrush and pallet like beret busts out. it struggles to get out before it shoots out of its confined space, showing that it had paintbrushes for hands. It jumped back on top of its canvas and roared at the two kids.

The woman next to Lucy smiled at herself "Finally! My big beautiful face finally appears! Saving the best for last are we?" She asked as Mirabella turned to her. "No Inkabelle, there are still 2 stories left. So please don't be a drama queen about it." She says, much to Inkabelle's dismay.

The screen then shows Leo/Emma finally ending the battle as Inkabelle starts to dizzily stumble. The inky painting finally gave in as dark fog leaked from her, and a beautiful light began to shine from within. The giant blob of ink began to shrink down, until it reached the size of a human woman.

"Thank you darlings for saving me...but how am I going to get over my artist block?" She asked. "I'm sure that there's a way, and hey you have lots of people here with access to incredible locations! I'm sure you could always find inspiration there!" Alice said. The pink haired woman smiled, and nodded, taking her idea into account.

Lucy started to descend downwards before her feet touch the ground. She opens her eyes and smiles at Leo/Emma before they slowly walk over to each other with their hands outreached to each as the screen goes white. When the glow fades away, the two children and the painter start to dance, while surrounded by strange creatures before the screen goes white once more.

The painter smiled at herself dancing, but she had to find a way to get over her artist block. Somehow...

The screen fades from it's white state to reveal Lucy kneeling on the ground, her world black and white before something caught her eye. The painter stood up to see a small glow of colors shining on her canvas from a nearby window. Lucy's eyes widened as the color around her came back.

The current Lucy watched herself as well, had she done it? Had she done the impossible and broken from her artist block?

The pink haired woman walked up to a cloud of black in front of her, hands wrapped tightly around her paintbrush as she began to paint away at the darkness, her strokes becoming more natural as she painted more. Lucy then dabs on the final touch as she gazes at her painting. The camera shows a beautiful clear sky as it turns into a painting hung proudly in the gallery. The sounds of applause is heard as Lucy smiles and turns to the crowd. The camera slowly pans back to reveal Balan applauding Lucy's latest work as well before the screen goes white

Lucy felt tears of joy bubble up in her eyes. She always had loved her paintings, but seeing what she created in the future really made her feel more emotional than usual.

"It's one of your best works Lucy!" Francis says, getting ready to commission Lucy to paint another portrait for him and his daughter...as soon as he replaces his staff with those that DON'T talk about his daughter behind his back.

Mirabella caught wind of Francis and stopped him before he did anything. "Now Now Francis, there will be plenty of time during the next break, for now, let's continue on with our next daring story!"

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