DOLPHINS ARE EVIL!! (The Diver and the Dolphin)

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The screen grew bright as it showed a wide ocean, as a white yacht is gently bobbing in the waves. The call of seagulls are heard as a Dolphin's could be heard.

"Wait a second...that's the Siren's Song!" Miriam said. "There are mermaids in the water? It sounded like a Dolphin to me." Attilio said. Fiona chuckled "Heehee!! No no! The Siren's Song is our boat! That white yacht you see...that means this is supposed to be my story!"

A Dolphin jumps out of the water as bubbles fill the screen, revealing a colorful ocean seafloor filled with coral and colorful fish.

"WHOA!! It's so colorful down there!!" Emma cried in wonder. "It is! I always love diving down there! Especially because my friend lives there!" The others looked confused. Friend? What friend?

The screen zooms to reveal Fiona swimming with a young Dolphin.

"It's Echo!" Fiona yells with joy. "Your a Dolphin?" Cal asks "Yeah! Me and Echo may come from different worlds, but we're as thick as thieves!" Fiona said. Mirabella looked down "Well, you better hold onto that Fiona..." she said.

More bubbles filled the screen as it showed Fiona and Echo playing together, as more bubbles fill the screen and shows the two swimming after each other in the deep blue sea as Balan swims behind them with his own snorkel and goggles

" saw me and Echo together?" Fiona asked cautiously "No I haven't, because it's not set in stone. This is your future, not my own." Balan said to Fiona, to calm her nerves

Suddenly, the scene changes to see Echo bumping into Fiona, causing her air tank to get knocked off. Fiona then began to sink deeper into the sea, her Air Tank floating away from her. The air bubbles cover the screen to reveal Echo, the once friendly dolphin, now looking at her with evil eyes as it all went dark

"FIONA!! NO!!" Miriam cried. Fiona looked in horror. This couldn't be the same dolphin that she's friends with...Echo wouldn't do this on purpose...right?

The screen lit up again to reveal a torn photo of Fiona and Echo in the trash can of a hospital, with Fiona sitting an a bed in a hospital gown, her back turned to the can, as quiet sobs could be heard. A shadowy Dolphin swims around her as the hospital changes back to the ocean floor, only more dark and less inviting as the torn photo of Echo and Fiona covers the screen as it all goes Dark.

Fiona looks in horror of what just occurred. She didn't want to believe that her Echo would harm her...surely there must be some mistake! Her mom however..."Fiona, I think it would be best to stay away from Echo for a while...and the ocean in general."

Fiona's eyes widened. Sure she just saw Echo presumably trying to hurt her, but that doesn't mean that she was ready to give up being in the water. "Mom! I'm sure it was an accident!" Fiona protested. "ACCIDENT?! Did you not just see what happened?! You could have died!" Miriam shouted.

"Well, Either way Mrs Demetria, it's GOING to happen. At some point there might be an accident in the water, even despite your best efforts, but you can't separate your daughter from the thing she loves, even if it tries to hurt her." Mirabella said, a calm expression on her face.

The screen lit up to reveal Leo/Emma on a new platform in a dark underwater storm. The camera cut to see a large sea monster with a pompadour swim into view, growling at the children

Fiona snorted. And started laughing. Miriam looked at her with confusion, as she was still traumatized from what they just saw. "What's so funny Fiona?" She asked "I-It'a just that, My monster thing looks so silly with that pompadour!" She giggled, sliding out of her seat. "Her name is Anjellica, and they're called Negabosses you know." Mirabella said over Fiona's giggles.

The screen shows Leo/Emma landing the final blow, causing the sea monster to dizzily groan before dark fog started leaking from it, before a light shone from it as and large negaboss shrunk down with a defeated yell. The glowing light was revealed to be Fiona as she descended to the ground, a cheerful smile on her face. Leo/Emma then walk up to her, arms outstretched as the screen goes white. The two of them soon find themselves on another platform, surrounded by funny looking costumes as they all break out into dance

Fiona dissolved into harder laughter at the sight of her dancing, as did the kids again. Balan smiled, there was so much positivity!

The screen was bathed in white once more as The Siren's Song comes into view, with Fiona standing at the railing, as if she was waiting for someone

"You...actually went back? After what happened?" Leo asked. Fiona didn't answer, she wanted to see what happened next.

A familiar squeak caught her attention and Fiona looked in shock and happiness. The camera turns around to reveal Echo looking up at Fiona with a apologetic look, as if he was Saying sorry to her

Fiona looked in happiness, Echo really DIDN'T want to hurt her! "Awww!! He's saying sorry!" Cass squeals.

Fiona waved back at the young Dolphin and happily laughs as Echo jumps up, splashing into the water to reveal both Him and Fiona happily swimming in the sea. Fiona looks outward, finally happy to be back in the ocean, with her forgiven Dolphin friend as the screen goes white.

Balan dabs his eyes with a handkerchief "(sniff) Oh I just love happy ending! (HONK) it always make tears come to my eyes!" He says while blowing his nose. Eis looked and saw tears streaming from his eyes, but was surprised to see them crystallize, into a teardrop shaped gem, like from the opening film.

"Balan please stop your crying, the food for the Tims and Negati you're supplying." Lance said. When Balan realized that Lance was right, he controlled himself. A small white Tim with a flower on it's head. "Shiro dear! I didn't know you wanted to come here!" Balan said, picking up the Tim.

"Timmu!" It chirped as it began to peck at the teardrop gems. Mirabella chuckled "Heehee!! Oh well, the more the merrier! After all, we've still have a few stories to go" she said.

"So...Jose was sad because his crops were destroyed, Fiona was heartbroken because she thought that Echo had betrayed her...who's next?" Alice asked, still worried for his son's safety. Mirabella's eyes slowly drifted towards Yuri and her family...

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