Ai Ai Ai I'm Your Little Butterfly (The Girl Who's Gaga For Bugs)

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Yuri and her family looked concerned. They saw Mirabella look at them, which told them that they were the subject of the next story...but who was it?

The screen lights up to reveal a small caterpillar in a bug case, the camera zooms out to reveal a small girl with purple hair, Yuri gazing at a bunch of bug cases with a happy expression.

Yuri's eyes went wide 'oh no! Not me! Everyone's gonna think I'm a weirdo now, and there are kids that don't know me here. so much for making friends...' she thought sadly. However, Lance caught wind of her sadness...he could sense it.

The background behind Yuri spun as a couple of shadowy children stood behind her. A couple of rolled up scrolls transitioned to reveal Yuri picking up a small caterpillar as it jumped in her hands. However, doing this caused the shadowy children to scream in terror and run away from her, causing her to turn around and make Yuri's glasses shine white.

"Are..they scared of you?" Miguel asked. Yuri didn't answer as she slowly shrunk into her seat.

The background changed again as scrolls transitioned Yuri's pose, as two more shadowy kids stood behind her. She pulled out a yellow and black striped spider as she inspects it with a magnifying Glass, a curious look in her eyes. However, her curiosity caused the two kids behind her to jump and scream with fear, scurrying away and making Yuri's glasses shine white again.

"They are scared of you!" Bruce exclaims "So?! It's just a few bugs!" Ren shouted as he jumped to his sister's defence "Ren! It's alright! It hasn't happened yet...per se" Yuri said, however the last part her brother heard loud and clear

"Yuri?! How long as this been going on?!" He asked. Yuri's eyes darted around before looking down "Um...from the first day of school?" She answered. Ren's eyes widened. He didn't know that! "BUT! That doesn't mean that it's so bad, I mean I have my bugs...and you..." Yuri trailed off. "Yuri you need REAL friends, maybe some HUMAN ones." Ren said

The scenery spun around again to show Yuri holding ALL of her bug friends as all of the shadowy children (and a shadowy Balan) jumped and ran away from her in fear as the curtains closed and the shattering of glass was heard as bugs covered the screen, revealing a truly miserable, and lonely Yuri. The scene spun around to show Yuri in her own bug enclosure with giant bugs all around her. The poor girl wrapped her arms around her legs as webs wrapped around her, surrounded by her only, creepy crawly friends. A large cage dropped on top of the enclosure as it quickly shot into the ground, as dark tentacles covered in strange looking marks closed the way back up as the screen goes black

"No...No! Not Yuri!" Elieen shouted as she hugged Yuri. Ren soon had enough. Grabbing a nearby chair, he charged at both the maestros and Mirabella "I'VE HAD IT!" He shouted, but Mirabella simply snapped her fingers as he was frozen in place. "I know you want to defend your sister Ren. But you can't get mad at something that hasn't happened yet." She said, "But it's been going on for a long time!!" Ren shouted. "Yes, but do you think Yuri didn't tell you for a reason?" Mirabella asked. "If she told you, you might have chased every student at that school up a tree with a Plank of wood." She said with a raised eyebrow, snapping her fingers and bringing Ren back to his seat.

The screen lit up again to reveal Leo/Emma in a underground cavern with strong looking webs and dangerous mushrooms. A growl was heard as a crazy looking bug with sickles for hands came dangling from above. Roaring at the two children.

Yuri felt a shiver crawl up her spine, she liked bugs, but she didn't want to BE a bug, let alone a very big and very dangerous looking one. The whole Brand family looked in horror, if Lance could change two adults into monsters, what's to say that he couldn't do the same thing to children...let alone a lonely little girl..."Don't worry. Yuri may have become Wormsworth, but she's still Yuri." Mirabella soothed

The screen then showed the children landing the final blow on Wormsworth. The giant bug groaned and dangled before dark fog spilled from her. A bright light shone from Wormsworth as the monster bug shrunk back into the small frame of Yuri, who slowly floated back to the ground. Leo/Emma slowly walked to Yuri as white bathed over the screen. The screen cleared out again as the kids and some funny looking creatures began to float in the air as they all started dancing

"I can't believe I'm saying this...but you're got some good moves Yuri!" Leo said before clasping a hand over his mouth. Yuri, Emma, Alice and Harold looked at Leo in shock, this was the first time that he ACTUALLY spoke out. 'Why did i say that out loud?! I only wanted to think it not say it!' He ranted in his head. Mirabella and Balan smirked at each other. "Good call on the positive thought enchantments Balan." She said. Balan chuckled "Of course Mirabella, I'd do it any day. It's about time the world heard what Leo has to say." He said.

The screen was bathed in white again as it revealed Yuri's webs. It zoomed up to Yuri before spinning around her, as the webs surrounding her slowly disappeared and a pair of beautiful pinkish/purplish butterfly wings, twice her size, appeared on her back.

Everyone gasped at the sheer beauty of Yuri's wings. Yuri's eyes widened in wonder. "Whoa..." she gasped, her eyes sparkling at the sheer size of the wings.

Yuri giggled as she opened her eyes. Her wings disappear as she looked behind her. The camera changed angles to show two kids standing near a window talking to each other, as Yuri's shoes came into view. The two kids stopped talking to turn to the purple haired girl, who was holding a bug case with a shy look.

Ren stared at the screen in anticipation, as if he was waiting for the kids to say something about his sister and her passion

Yuri pushed the case towards them as a small glow was seen inside. Yuri cracked her eyes open to reveal that the caterpillar had cocooned itself, and was now a beautiful Yellow butterfly. The kids gasped in wonder as the butterfly fluttered out of its case and onto Yuri's hair. It fluttered off again as a whole swarm of Butterflies filled the room while the camera followed the yellow butterfly before it revealed a now colorful classroom of giant bugs, with the children all curious about Yuri's passion as Balan picks up a few books behind them before he walked behind a bookshelf before he walked in front of the camera turning black, with a yellow and pink butterfly following him.

"Balan?!" Yuri exclaimed he winked at her. Ren smiled at Yuri, happy to see that kids actually accept his sister in the future. Yuri smiled too, not only at her future, but at the fact that Leo had said something nice to her.

"Well, I'm sure that Yuri is going to have a lot of friends in the future." Mirabella said as she addressed Yuri. "It's time fo-uh oh..." Everyone looked at her. Not ONCE did Mirabella say 'Uh Oh' "What's wrong Mirabella?" Nancy asked. "Hmm...That's odd, my little magic camera is broken, there's a gear missing." She said, looking around for it. "I guess that a break is in order while I find that missing gear." She said, unaware that Leo was slowly moving away from the camera...with a gear slipped into his pocket...

Balan Wonderworld Reacting To Balan WonderworldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ