Introducing the Gang

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The Farmer stepped up first"OK Then, I'm Jose Gallard, I run a farm outside of the city"

The woman tapped his shoulder "Oh! And this is my beautiful wife and son Nancy and Miguel"

The Diver stepped up "Hello everyone! My name is Fiona Demetria! And this is my mom Miriam!

Yuri stepped up next "I...Uh...I'm Yuri Brand...and I uh...I hope that uh that...uh...: Yuri couldn't finish the sentence, and she slowly walked backwards "Um...I'm Ren Brand, And if any of you say anything about my sister, I'll end you..." He said, as his parents looked at him strangely "I'm Elieen and this is my husband Hiro." Said Yuri's mom

The green haired boy stepped up next "Hey There! I'm Haoyu Chang! And these are my parents Lin Lin and Wang Lei Chang!) He said Proudly "Hey I think I remember were trying to build something weren't you?" Yuri asks "Yep!" Haoyu replies proudly, but his parents looked worried at him for some reason

The colorful lady soon introduces herself "Hello! I'm Sana! Sana Hudson!" She says cheerfully. Leo notices that the firefighter is staring at her before he snaps out of it.

The little green haired Girl is next "Hello everybody! I'm Cass Milligan! Pleased to meet you all!" She said with a curtsy as her parents stepped out from behind her "And we're her parents Christine and Eric." Eric said.

The sharply dressed man had stepped out, "Hello Everyone, My name is Cal Suresh. And this is my wife and Daughter, Valerie and Bianca." He said with a nod, however, Valerie seemed to be standing in a odd position, as if she was hiding something

Iben then stepped up "Hello, My name is Iben Bia, these are my parents Linea and Sigurd, and my Fiance John." She said quickly, while clinging to her husband

The Clown introduced himself next "Hello, I'm Attilio Caccini." He said "I know you! You're Happy the Clown from Christmas Rose Park!" Yuri shouted "Yeah! You always make me smile when we visit!" Haoyu added.

The artist then came next "Hello Darlings! I'm Lucy Wong! And this little darling is my Son Clem!" She said loudly. "I remember you, My father commissioned you to paint of Portrait of me and him" Emma said shyly. Leo rolled his eyes "Of Course he would..."

The firefighter slowly walked up next "Hello everyone! I'm Eis Glover." He said, gazing back at Sana with a small blush on his face.

The old man finally stepped up next "Hello there! I'm Bruce Stone." He said kindly "I've seen you before! You often clean up the park!" Ren said. "Yes I do! It's nice to see someone remember my efforts" Bruce said

Francis then walked up "Hello there. I'm Francis Cole, this is my staff: Maya, Isadore, Lottie, Riley, Julia, Sadie, and Martin. And of course, my beautiful daughter Emma." He said. Everyone gasped, the richest man in town was in the same theater with them!

Alice then stepped up, "Hello Everyone! I'm Alice Craig! This is my husband Harold and our son...Leo?" She asked as her son seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Mirabella snapped her fingers and brought Leo back into the room. As it turns out, Leo HAD tried to find another way out...but stumbled upon something else

"Now Leo, you're not trying to go so soon are you?" Mirabella teased setting him down "Mom we have to go!" Leo yelled "Why Leo?" Harold asked. That is...before a strange looking dark creature appeared and latched onto Leo's leg .

"AHH!! GET IT OFF!!" He yelled as Mirabella chuckled "Now Kuro...You're not trying to scare him are you?" She said to the funny looking creature. It let out a squeak before letting go of his leg. "How did you find him? I thought I had put him away on a whim?" Lance asked. "Well Lance, I guess that Leo was trying to leave, and accidentally stumbled upon your Negati filled room." Mirabella suggested

"Uh...What's a Negati?" Francis asked, looking at Lance in a worried way "That's for you to find out later, Now get comfortable. It's time to start!" Mirabella said, grabbing a peculiar looking camera, and flipping it on.

"It's time for the show to start!

(I don't own anyone in this story. Anyone that isn't named Leo, Emma, Balan, Lance, Jose, Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Sana, Cass, Cal, Iben, Attilio, Lucy, Eis or Bruce belongs to Livigirl88 and Interstellar-wizard. Everyone else belongs to Criware)

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