[17] - Finding chan

Start from the beginning

"Look for keys" he ordered the others.


The four boys sat locked into a classroom as they heard footsteps outside. The first few seconds they were hopeful, but like all the other times their hope was shattered when they realized it was only one person's feet that were heard walking.

"Soon this third day is over" Minho said.

The sunset hadn't begun yet but the boys were all already stuck in the darkness of the night.

"We should give them a few hours more" Chan said, refusing to give up on them.

"I don't think they're coming any time soon" Changbin said the truth that they all didn't want to swallow.

"They are coming" Chan said, still refusing to accept the reality.

"Hyung, it's not your fault, how would you have known the two kids ran off to hide, and Jisung knew the risks, they all made their own decisions and they would have made those decisions either way" Hyunjin said with soft voice.

Chan tensed up. He hadn't realized he was blaming himself until now. He was blaming himself for letting Jisung go alone, but most of all he was blaming himself for not making sure Jeongin and Seungmin made it before he continued.

"But if it's not my fault, then whose is it?" He asked and looked back at Hyunjin.

"It's nobody's fault, the only thing we can be mad at is the game itself" Hyunjin said.

Chan still didn't want to give up. He was getting them back no matter what.

"Let's go to the next level" Chan said, making the others look at him surprised. "We can't continue being locked up in this room to hide from the principal, let's continue to the next level and from there I'll leave the three of you to continue while I wait for Jisung to get back with the two maknaes" he explained his plan.


"Look over there!" Jeongin exclaimed when something caught his attention.

The two others looked the same way and saw something move further down the street. Those streets were practically dead. They hadn't seen a living soul since leaving the furniture store this morning, that was except for the lady in the convenience store. Seeing something move was either really good or really bad.

They looked at each other, silently debating whether they should avoid the person or follow them. "We should check it out" Jisung said.

"But what if we get caught by the bad guys?" Seungmin wondered with worry.

"Let's follow silently so we can check if it's something dangerous or not" Jisung said.

The two others nodded and they ran after the person they'd previously seen run past. They came around a corner and saw the back or a guy with wide shoulders walking in a fast pace. He wasn't wearing the same clothes as the guards, so he shouldn't be evil.

Jisung suddenly stopped in his steps and stared at the guy's back.

"Whats the matter?" Jeongin asked and stopped as well to look at the older guy.

"Chan!" He suddenly cried out loudly, not afraid of anyone hearing him.

The guy stopped as well after hearing the familiar name being called. He turned around and saw three faces he'd lost all hopes of seeing again. "You're back" he said for himself. The others were too far away to hear, but when they saw the face of their hyung they all ran towards him to tackle him with a big hug.

In the midst of their hug Jisung felt trouble to breathe as the tears started to flow. "I'm so sorry I couldn't bring them back like I said I would" he managed to say between the sobs.

"But you're back now" Chan said with soft voice and patted his back.

"Not within three days, you must have been so worried about us" he continued sobbing, feeling guilty that he hadn't brought them back earlier.

"It's fine, you're here now, that's all that matters" he comforted Jisung.

The three guys managed to comfort Jisung but Chan looked around as if he'd been hoping to see someone.

"Are you looking for Felix?" Jisung asked Chan.

He sighed. "You still didn't manage to convince him right?" Chan said with sadness.

Jisung shook his head. "I didn't, but someone else did" he said letting the corners of his mouth curve upwards slightly.

Chan looked at him with sudden hope. "Felix is also here?" He asked.

Jisung nodded.

"He found himself a girlfriend" Jeongin said nonchalantly.

Both Seungmin and Jisung gave the maknae a glare.

"What? They might not be dating right now, but trust me, they will in the future" Jeongin defended himself.

Chan just let out a chuckle. "Who would have thought a girl would be able to change his mind". He said.

"I know, the fact she could get him with her is enough proof that Felix likes her" Jeongin continued his speculations.

"She doesn't like him though" Seungmin said with a chuckle.

"Yeah he needs to work on that" Jeongin said.

"So where are they?" Chan asked and looked around again.

"We split up to go get money, we're supposed to meet up later to buy food" Jisung explained.

"Money? I have some money, let's go back and greet them when they get back" Chan said and pulled out some money from his pocket to show them. "I've been here for a while already, I've had time to save up"

"Where are the others" Jisung wondered as they started walking back.

"I sent them away to continue" Chan told them.

"Why didn't you go with them? We're you that certain I'd come back?" Jisung asked.

Chan nodded. "I knew you'd be back"

"You have Nora to thank for that, without her we would never have gotten out of our hiding places" Jisung muttered, feeling thankful to the girl.

"Felix's girlfriend" Jeongin said to explain who Nora was.

"Nora... I like her name" Chan said with a smile forming over his face.

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