the "escort" - h.s. (4)

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hanta sero x reader pt.4

song: lover of mine - 5 seconds of summer

y/n's pov

"Okay go have fun! Behave." She said sternly. "I will mom bye love you!" I yelled.

"We love you!" The three called out as I left. "Let's go." He said excitedly, pulling me towards his car.


The venue at which the ball was held at was beautiful. We walked in and were quickly met by an array of flowers.

A golden chandelier hung on the ceiling and the walls were a dark green.

Gold and black accents highlighted the venue and it was almost identical to an actual castle. It was gorgeous.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Sero asked. "It is!" I said as he took my hand.

We walked over to the main floor where people were already dancing and having the time of their life. "Lets dance!" I cheered, pulling him to the main floor. He grabbed my waist as we swayed gently to the beat. "Thank you for coming with me." He said suddenly.

"Of course, I'm really glad you asked." I replied.

He turned me around and dipped me gently. "You look gorgeous if I haven't told you already..."

"You've only told me about a hundred times." I giggled. "Make that a hundred and one." He chuckled. We continued to dance and laugh. I was the happiest I had been in a while. It wasn't long before the songs began to get more energetic and instead of dancing softly everyone was jumping up and down.

We bumped into a few of the members of class 1a and joined them in dancing. I was currently laughing with Uraraka as we did the wave dramatically.

"Hey I want to join!" Kirishima yelled, running over to us with Denki by his side.

They joined us as we continued yelling the lyrics of the music.

I was having so much fun.

Soon almost the entire class was in a circle as members began dancing in the middle. Somehow Midoriya was thrown in with Bakugou and they actually did a decent job at dancing together. It was cute. I got thrown in with Shinsou, both of us having no idea what to do.

So..we began doing the macarena and the group laughed at our efforts. It was a blast.

The music then slowly went back to a slow beat and couples began pairing up. I was having so much fun that I didn't notice that Sero disappeared.

"May I have this dance?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

I turned to see Bakugou holding out his hand. "Yeah.." I said unsure as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me closer to him as he wrapped one hand around my waist and holding the other one up and intertwined with mine.

It was a comfortable position, a friendly one. It was silent for a bit as we swayed gently to the beat. "Hey no offense but-"

"You want to dance with Sero?" He said as if it was obvious.

I swear this man can read my thoughts. "Yeah I'm sorry, have you seen him?" I asked the blonde boy.

"No. That's mainly why I fucking came over here. You looked pathetic." The words probably would have stung if he wasn't smiling.

I laughed shaking my head as we continued to dance. I mean leaving mid-waltz would just be rude.

Once the song finished, I pulled away. "Go find him." He whispered, pushing me away.

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