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Mani Pov

I woke up this morning with all the kids in my bed. I smiled then it faded away that we were missing someone.I got up and did my hygiene. I put on something decent. I walked downstairs and made breakfast.

I made bacon, eggs, grits, pancake, sausages. As I was fixing plates the kids came downstairs.We sat at the table and ate. We talked about a lot of stuff. I kept glancing at the empty chair. That where Robert use to sit. I miss him so much.My phone rang. I looked and it was quay . I answered the phone.


"Heyy sis how u doing?"

"Good just miss my fiancé."

"Well, they said he can have visitation. So u can go and see him." I smiled.

"Ok, imma go today. Me and the kids."

" keep yo head up sis. He gonna be out soon."

"Ok bye quay ."

"Bye mani ." I hung up the phone.

The kids were looking at me. I smiled at them.

"U guys wanna go see daddy?"

they looked at each other and smiled.

"Yea." they all said.

We finished eating and we all put on some clothes.

10 min later

we were all getting in my dodge charger. I pulled out the driveway and drove to the police station.I pulled up and I parked. I got the kids out and walked in. I walked to the front desk.

"Hello um im here to visit Robert Wright."

"Ok go sit in the visitation room. We will go get him."

We all walked in and sat down.

5 min later

we saw Robert walk out the two double doors with handcuffs.I let a tear fall. He walked over to us and sat down. He smiled at us.

"I miss yall so much."

"Me too daddy." the kids said.

I smiled.

"U missed me?" he looked at me.

"Of course I missed my fiancé." he smiled.

"U still want to marry me?" I nodded.

He leaned over and kissed me. Of course, I kissed back.

"Ewww." the kids said.

I pulled away and blushed.

"Mani my trial is in 2 weeks. Baby, I don't think im coming home."

"Baby don't talk like that."

"Mani baby they got stuff on me with good evidence. Baby, I don't stand a chance in court." he pleaded.

"Imma be there for moral support."

"Do not bring the kids I don't want them to see me leave." I nodded.

We spent some more time together. Then visitation was over. We got up and left for home.I just can't believe that there is a chance that Robert is going to prison.

Im so scared cuz I love him so much to lose him.

*2 weeks later*

Me, shanty , Selena, and quay were all sitting in the courtroom waiting for the jury to come.shanty and Selena held me. I was so scared. I just want to go in there and ask why they taking so long.

Leaving us in suspense.

Robert turned around and mouth

'I love u' to me. I mouthed

'I love u too' to him.

He turned back around.

I let so many tears go. I don't want him to leave. Then the jury came out of the room.Robert stood to his feet. The judge turned to the jury.

"Jury have u reached a verdict?"

"Yes, Ma'am. We find the defendant Guilty of all charges."

I felt my heart drop.

I cried.

I calmed down to see how many years he have.

"Robert I will give u an option. 5 years and 25 on parol or u do your time which is 25 years."Robert sighed.

"I'll take the 5 years and 25 of parol Ma'am." she nodded.

"Ma'am can I at least kiss my Fiancé goodbye?"The judge sighed and nodded.

Robert turned around.

I jumped on him.

He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him.

"I love u," he said to me.

"I love u too." I got off him and they pulled him into the back.

I fell to my knees.I cried on the floor. Then I started to throw up. They pulled me out the room and took me outside.I finished trowing up out there.

Shanty and Selena came to check on me.

"Mani u ok?"I shook my head.

"I think im pregnant." they looked at me

."Really?" I nodded.

Then I threw up again.

Quay came out of the courthouse.

"Well they shipped him off." he sighed.

Then he saw me throwing up.

"Mani what happen?"

"Bae she might be pregnant." Shanty told him.

His eyes got big.I wiped my mouth and walked to my car. They followed and we got in. I drove to the free clinic.We walked in and signed in. Then we all sat down. Shanty wrapped her arm around me.

"U really think u are pregnant?" Shanty asked

"Yea mani it could be just stress."

"I missed my period," I mumbled.

They looked at me.

Then the nurse came out.

"Kamani carpenter ?" we all stood up.

We walked into the back with the nurse.We walked in and sat in.

"Mani. Carpenter u have to urinate in the cup." she handed me the cup.

I walked in the bathroom and peed in the cup. I gave it to the nurse and sat back on the bed.

"U good." they all hugged me.

We all waited in the room and say they just waiting for the doctor.Then she finally came in. She sat down in the chair.

"Hello ms. Carpenter how are u?"

"Good just going thru some things that's all."

"Well I hope that this will uplift your spirits."

she pulled out her paper and read it.

"Congrats Ms.carpenter u are one month pregnant." she smiles.

I covered my mouth in awe.

Im pregnant

Robert in jail

He went for 5 years

I have to take care of a new baby


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