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A*week later*

Liyah Pov

Yesterday was weird Robert has been acting weird lately.

Every time I ask him what's wrong he gets all nervous. Like what is he afraid of?

I was sitting downstairs feeding Junior.

Then Em ran in.

"Heyy mommy."

"Heyy baby. Wyd?"

"Playing with daddy. We play hide and seek." she ran and hid in the bottom cabinet.

Then Robert came in.

"Where is Em. She took my keys." then we heard a sneeze. I chuckled.

He walked over to the cabinet. He opened it and Em giggled.

"How u gound me?"

"Your nose led me right here." he picked her up and placed her on the island.

Then kissed her nose.

I continued to feed Junior.

I heard whispering.

I turned to see Robert whisper something in Em ear.

"What u whispering for?" I folded my arms.

"Nothing I will be back later." he kissed passionately. I moaned.

"What was that for?"

"Cuz I love u." I smiled.

"I love u too." he Kissed Em and Junior and walked out the house.

"What did he tell u?"

"I can't tell u, mommy."


"Cuz it is important that u not know."

she jumped off the island and ran out the room.I shook my head.

These niggas.

Robert Pov .

I went to my jewelers.

I walked in and went to the counter.

"May I help u sir?" a smiled white lady smiled.

"Umm, can I get a 20 karat ring."

her birthstone is Diamond .

And she loves the color. She got the ring out for me

 She got the ring out for me

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I looked at it. It's like the ring was calling mani .

I bought it and put it in a small black box.

I went home and seen mani and Em and Junior in the living room.I went and picked up Junior.

I played with him.

His babymama Where stories live. Discover now