Chapter 19

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I get to meet my other two brother's and my father. One of my younger sisters is too young to have come here and the other didn't want to deal with the fighting. My mom wasn't able to make it so she's waiting at the palace.

They explained how they had been doing a small tour of Opela, who was our ally, when I was only a year old. All the kids who had come along on the trip were shoved into one vehicle while we traveled through the Northwestern part of Opela. There were Norlinian and Opelan attendants assisting the children in the back of the car. One of the Opelan attendants said I had a fever while we were stopped somewhere and after that I was gone.

My father gave the Opelan kings and Queens 48 hours to find me. They couldn't. So my father said he'd do it himself, with our military instead. The Opelan royals told him if he brought his military on their land they would consider it an act of aggression. My father did it anyway. That's how the war started.

My stomach had twisted in knots when they told me. The war that my brother was killed in was started because of me. I was the cause of so many deaths on both sides.

They told me they would tell me more another time. It was time for us to return to Lastreshire.

"What about my family here?" I asked frantically. I just came home. I am not leaving again.

"You can visit them whenever you would like to," Jace answered, "we want our princess back if that's alright."

"It's been 15 years and you want to stay here?" my father asked incredulously.

"It's been almost a year since I was taken from here. I miss the people I grew up with," I said, hanging my head.

"Could she at least stay here for her birthday? It's in two days," Blue begged.

"Two days? Your 17th birthday was 2 weeks ago," My oldest brother, Deangil, scoffed.

"Well, obviously when you're found on the side of the road you're not going to know your exact birthday," Blue laughed back.

Iris fake sniffled and wiped at a nonexistent tear.

"It feels like just yesterday we found a dirty baby Ray on the side of the road."

The three of us laughed.

"How can you expect me to just leave everything I've ever known? I did that once. It sucked. I want to stay with these two idiots for a little. Can't I at least stay for another few months?" I pleaded.

"What if these two came with you?" my other brother, Garvin, asked.

"That could work, actually," my father said.

"Wait wait wait. What about our families?" Iris asked.

"What about my adopted parents?" I added.

"You could all go visit whenever. Maybe you could even move back once you've all trained enough. Now that I think about it, Blue, at least, needs to learn how to heal properly. The number of healers across the world has been slowly decreasing and we're not sure why," my father says.

"Our families! We can't just leave!" Iris exclaims.

"You'd come back. Whenever any of you wanted, just say the words and we'd arrange it," Jace says, almost desperately.

"It'd be like going away for school," Garvin says.

The three of us give him a confused look.

"In Norlin, when kids get old enough, they're allowed to go to specialized schools. It's for whatever you're passionate about. You leave home for a while and get a small room to live in at the school. They feed you, teach you, shelter you, etc. Then when the term is over, you go home for a while. We'd take you to Lastreshire to teach and train all of you. Then you could come back here when you have time," he explains.

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