Chapter 3

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My head is pounding. I have no idea where I am but it feels soft and warm. I groan and a hand touches my forehead. I jump up in bed and my eyes shoot open. There's a young woman sitting on the side of the bed that I was laying in. She has long, smooth brown hair with grey roots. Her eyes are brown and shiny. They're quite beautiful.

I look around the room quickly. The giant bed I'm on is on a raised platform in the center of the room. There's a large black square on the opposite wall above a lit fireplace. There's several bookcases against the wall and next to that wall is a window that curves outward and a large daybed fitting into the curve. There's a large door to right of the fireplace and on the left wall there's another door.

"Where am I and who the hell are you?" My voice rises a little. I know she can hear the panic in it too.

"You're in the Leidan Castle, your highness." She bows her head and stands.

"What's happening? Who are you?" Tears fill my eyes. She called me "your highness". What does that mean?

"I understand you're confused. Shall I get the prince and he can explain everything to you?" She smiles sweetly.

"Who are you talking about? Where am I? Why am I in a palace? Who are you and why are you here with me? Why am I in such a lovely room? I was arrested, wasn't I?"

"I'll go get the prince. Don't worry, you're safe here." Her eyes and smile widened. It's a fake smile. What does she mean? She walks out of the door to the right of the fireplace, leaving me alone in the room. It's too quiet. There's a ticking coming from somewhere and it's driving me crazy. Several minutes pass and nobody has come back. The door the woman used leaves the room, but what about the other door?

I get up and immediately I realize I feel amazing. No part of me is in pain anymore. Not even the parts of me that are always in pain. I feel perfect. I happily stride to the other door and push it open. Inside is the largest bathroom I have ever seen. There's a bathtub bigger than my entire bedroom back home. The ledges of the bath are covered in several bottles with different color substances in them, little bars of different smelling soaps, little sponges and fluffy loofahs, and a stack of soft, fluffy towels. Next to the bath is a large glass room that appears to be a showwer. It has a little bench in it and a small, square shaped, tub full of water. On the other side of the bathtub there's a large vanity with more soaps, lotions, brushes, combs, hair accessories, and makeup than I ever thought could have existed. In the center of the large bathroom is a soft white fluffy rug and a grey circular bench thing. Above it is a beautiful chandelier. There's two other door's in the bathroom. One is on a diagonal wall and the other is on the wall next to the shower. I push open the diagonal wall door and find a small room with a toilet, some paintings, a small cabinet with flowers, newspapers, toilet paper, feminine products, and wipes. I go to the other door and push it open. Inside is a room half the size of the main room that's lined wall to wall in clothing. At the very end of the room is a large platform surrounded by three mirrors at the back and several couches and a coffee table in the front.

I look down and realize I'm wearing a comfortable baby blue gown. It has a small blue string tied into a bow around my waist and little frills at the end of my sleeves. My tangled and matted brown hair has been brushed smooth and washed apparently. The dirt under my fingernails is gone and the hair on my legs and arms has been shaved. My hair looks like it's been cut too. It reaches my shoulders and looks healthier than it ever has. All my cuts and bruises have disappeared. The blood on my chin from the busted lip has been scrubbed off. I look like I never lived in Vex, minus the bones poking out of my skin.

"Hello?" I hear someone with an Onekan accent call from the main room. I walk out of the bathroom to find a young boy with jet black hair and sharp features. His jawline and nose is sharp and defined. His skin is smooth and his cheeks are a lively red. His eyes are a sharp cobalt blue and his jet black eyebrows are sharp, thin, and defined. He's a few inches taller than me. He's wearing a green overcoat with gold lining his sleeves and collar and all down the opening of the coat. Underneath is a plain white dress shirt and he has plain black dress pants. What's unusual is the white socks he's wearing with the outfit. I'm assuming he's the prince so where are his shoes?

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