Chapter 6

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Michael led me back to my room to get ready for dinner. We both still don't know if the others made it back or if we're going to be punished for all of it. I take a shower and put on a really soft lilac robe. I'm just sitting on my bed when my four servants walk in. Adoran and Mara hurry me into the bathroom.

"King Rutus wants to see the 5 of you for dinner in his dining room in 15 minutes." Adoran tells me.

That means we're all in trouble. I know Pasha's going to get into a lot more trouble than the rest of us. I'm secretly glad we didn't bring his sister with us. She probably felt left out but at least she won't be punished.

"This is why I didn't want any part of it." She shakes her head. "Didn't want you guys to get in trouble."

"They might not be in trouble, Adoran." Ciela says.

"What else would it be then?"

"Well, I heard rumors of a trip to some of the less wasteland land outside of the deadlands. Maybe it's a meeting about that."

"Why would he ask for those 5 specifically if it was that?"

"I don't know. I'm just trying to be optimistic."

They finish getting me ready in record time. I practically spring all the way to the dining room. The others are panting outside the door. I wipe my face and check my makeup before walking inside. The others follow me in and we all take the same seats as last time.

King Rutus takes a deep breath.

"We provide everything you need here, so that you don't go out there. We even plan trips to visit the city. And yet, you always find ways to sneak out. We're only trying to keep you safe. Everyone of you except Analia know that my sister in-law was killed in an assasination attempt on your mother. We're keeping you here for a reason!"

Ciela was wrong.

"We know, father. We just wanted to show Anne the Isskogur."
"Then ask! For goodness sakes! I would've sent you with soldiers to keep you safe and everything would have been fine. No worrying about where you are. No chasing you through the streets."
He rubs his temples and sighs.

"We're sorry, your highness. We weren't thinking." Xander says.

"We just got too impulsive, Father. I'm sorry." Aurelia adds.

Everyone joins in a quiet chorus of "I'm sorrys" before it falls silent.

"You're forgiven. I know you meant well, so I won't punish you this time. Next time though, there will be a punishment."

We all thank him and he smiles.

"Order your meals and drinks, we have more to discuss."
Once everyone's ordered and gotten their food, King Rutus interrupts our casual conversations.

"So, you all know about the mind power and how the users haven't shown up in a very long time."

He's captured everyone's attention, even the servants.

"We think we have found the user. We're planning a mission to the unclaimed territory a little ways out from the deadlands. The only dangers would be the girl herself and the animals living in that area. We're thinking of bringing several noble kids including you 5. We'll choose about 60 out of the 600 nobles that are under the age of 25. This includes the nobles living outside of the capital. If the selected 60 can pass a test to make sure they're ready and capable, they'll join us on our mission."
"Really? You think you found the user?" Michael asks eagerly.

"This could change everything." Aurelia says looking at Michael, the hope shimmering in her eyes.

"Norlin won't be able to come after us! Nobody will!" Xander exclaims.

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