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y/n's pov:

Me and Izzie finished getting dressed...

y/n: "Hey, you done?"
Izzie: "Yup!"

We walked to the car...

y/n: "Bro, what's taking them so long?"
Izzie: "Oh I think I see them!"
y/n: "Finally!"
Matt: "Hey! Sorry we took a long time I had to break up a fight between these two kids."
Chris: "HEY, I'm not a kid!"
Nick: "We weren't even fighting."
Matt: "You guys were literally screaming and chasing each other."
Chris: "Also, Nick punches hard! Lookie, he gave me a bruise!!"
y/n: "Aww Nick why'd you do that to Chrissy?"
Nick: "He started it."
Chris: "NO I DIDN'T- oh, wait I think I did..."

We all laughed...

Izzie: "Guys I'm kind of hungry..."
Matt: "Oh right, sorry. Let's go guys!"
We all hopped in the car...
Nick: "Oh Izzie you can sit in the front."
Izzie: "Oh no it's fine-"
Nick: "Too late. I'm already sitting next to Chris and y/n!"
Izzie: "Oh, okay?"

I whisper to Nick...

y/n: "I see what you did there!!"
Nick: "Aren't they the cutest though!"


Matt's pov:

Izzie sits in the passenger seat beside me.
Izzie: "Hi."
Matt: "Uh hi!"
She looks away as I still look at her...
Chris: "Let's go Matt! We don't have all day!!!"
Matt: "Oh right, yeah."

We finally arrived at the restaurant...

y/n: "Where are we?"
Chris: "Ugh I hate this place!"
Nick: "Nobody likes this place, Matt!"
y/n: "I've never been here before!"
Matt: "But this is my favorite restaurant!"
Chris: "The food here tastes like-"
Izzie: "I love this restaurant too!"
Matt: "Wh- really?"
Izzie: "Yeah, I go here every year for my birthday!"
Matt: "Cool! At least someone likes the food here!"
Chris: "She is probably just saying that because she feels bad for you."
y/n: "Oh come on Chris I bet the food isn't that bad."
Chris: "Trust me y/n, IT IS!"


Nick's pov:

We headed inside...
Chris and y/n sat next to each other.
Matt and Izzie sat next to each other.
Leaving me to sit at the edge of the table by myself.

These pieces of shits always reminding me of how single I am. *quietly sobs*

The waiter came and we ordered...
y/n: "This place isn't so bad!"
Chris: "Don't let the looks of this place deceive you!"
y/n: "But it's so cozy and cute in here."
Izzie and Matt: "RIGHT!"
Izzie and Matt looked at each other and laughed...

I'm just glad Matt's getting over y/n!


We got our food...
y/n: "Food looks delicious!"
Chris: "It usually doesn't look this good. Weird."

We all take a bite...

y/n: "Holy fuck that's good."
Matt: "Told you!"
Izzie: "Mhm!"
Chris: "Wait this is kinda goo- I MEAN NASTY ew."
Nick: "You don't have to fake it Chris, and yeah since when did they start making good tasting food?!"
Matt: "They have always been making good tasting food! You guys just haven't come here in ages."
Chris: "Nope still disgusting."
y/n: "Chris eat your food and shut up!!"
Chris: "Yes ma'am!"

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