I felt safe

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 y/n's pov:

It was so dark I couldn't see anything. I then feel someone bump into me. They wrapped their warm hands around my waist and moved me to the side.

"Sorry y/n." someone said in a raspy voice.

It was Chris.


I froze. Chris makes his way into the kitchen to also grab a bottle of water. I saw the fridge light turn on and I saw his face.

I felt myself staring at Chris before I snapped out of it. I made my way to the couch and laid down grabbing the blanket and placing it on me. I open my water bottle and start drinking.

I couldn't stop replaying what Chris did and the feeling of his hands on me. It felt good.

Chris's pov:

I wake up and check the time. 3:46 am. I get up to grab a bottle of water since I was thirsty.

I was walking through the dark hallway when I bumped into something. I pull out my hand to try to feel what I hit. That's when I felt y/n. I quickly scooted her over apologizing for bumping into her. She didn't say anything.

I walk to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. I hear her footsteps heading back to the living room. Shit. I probably freaked her when I touched her like that. I felt so bad and wanted to check up on her, but I didn't want to bother her.

I headed back to my room and tried going to sleep but I could not. So, I decided to check up on y/n to see if she was alright.

I walk through the dark hallway once again and make my way to the living room. I see light. It was y/n on her phone. I think she was also having a hard time sleeping.

y/n's pov:

I closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep, but I could not. I grabbed my phone scrolling on Instagram for ten minutes before I heard footsteps. I jolt my head up to see a dark figure. I started panicking. Shit, what the fuck is that.

I sat up from laying down and I just stared at the figure. It came closer. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!!! I grab the blanket and cover myself.

y/n: "Please d-don't hurt me."

That's when I felt the black figure sitting down next to me. They wrap their arms around me holding me tight, then they whisper in my ear.

"It's ok y/n, it's me Chris."

Chris's pov:

I saw y/n jolt up when she saw me. She grabs the blanket and wraps it around her.

y/n: "Please d-don't hurt me."

My heart sank hearing her sound so frightened.

I ran over to her giving her a big hug and not letting go.

Chris: "It's ok y/n, it's me Chris."

y/n's pov:

I pull the blanket off from my head and I see Chris.

y/n: "C-Chris? You s-scared me.

Chris: "I'm sorry y/n I just wanted to check up on you."

I buried my face in his chest as I was still shivering with fear. He holds me tighter.

We stay like that for a minute.

y/n: "I'm sorry Chris am I making you uncomfortable?"

Chris: "Not at all."

I smile as I lay my head on his chest and pull myself closer to him.

y/n: "I couldn't sleep."

Chris: "Neither could I."

I felt my eyelids get heavy.

Chris: "You look tired."

Cuddling with Chris felt so nice and comfortable. I was about to fall asleep on him.

Chris: "I should probably head back to my room. You need to go to sleep y/n."

y/n: "But I don't want to sleep here on the couch, it's uncomfortable. I want to stay here with you."

Chris's pov:

y/n: "...I want to stay here with you."

My heart skipped a beat. I felt my cheeks burning up and my heart beating faster and faster.

Chris: "You could sleep with me if you want?"


y/n interrupts my thought...

y/n: "yeah!"

I look down at y/n. She looks up at me and gives me the sweetest smile. I automatically smiled back.

We slowly get up quietly walking over to my bedroom. I lay down as y/n lays next to me. My back was facing y/n as I just stared at the wall. That's when y/n said...

y/n: "Can you h-hold me."

Chris: "huh?"

y/n: "I'm still scared about what happened earlier. I want someone to hold me."

I flip over seeing y/n trembling. y/n's back was facing me. I slowly come closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist. My face was in her hair. She smells so good.

y/n's pov:

I slowly felt Chris wrap his arms around me. His nose was nuzzling in my hair. It was so nice to be with Chris. I soon feel myself drifting off to sleep.

I felt safe.

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