Ice Cream

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y/n's pov:

I opened the front door to my mom running towards me.
y/n: "Okay, calm down! Let me get out of this dress first."
I ran up to my room taking off my dress, heels, makeup, and jewelry. I threw my hair into a messy bun and put on a hoodie and sweatpants.
Ahhh much more comfortable!!
I went back downstairs...
Mom: "Sooo..."
y/n: "The date went amazing! He took me to this very fancy restaurant, then we got free dessert-"
y/n: "Yeah, I didn't expect it to work! Anyways then we walked home and..."
I paused to add suspense.
Mom: "AND WHAT!!??"
I laugh...
y/n: "We kissed!"

Chris's pov:

I opened the front door as I was greeted by Matt...
Matt: "Oh hey! I thought I was going to pick you guys up."
Chris: "We walked home."
Matt: "Oh-"
Nick comes running into the kitchen...
Nick: "CHRIS!?!"
Chris: "Aww shit-"
Nick: "So, what happened??!! I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!"
Chris: "Goddammit Matt I was trying to avoid Nick!"
Matt: "Oh my bad."
Nick: "Tell me! Tell me!"
Chris: "Nothing special. We ate then walked home and we um- we..."
Nick: "YOU WHAT?!!?"
I smile...
Chris: "We kissed."
Chris: "Yeah."
Nick: "AWW THAT'S SO-"
Nick looks over at Matt...
Nick: "Thats um- that's cute."
What was that about?
Chris: "Anyways I'm going to sleep, night!"

y/n's pov:

It was 3:00 pm the next day...
I was chilling on my bed in an oversized t-shirt and some shorts when I got a text...

Chris smells like poo

"Hey wanna go on a walk?"


"I'll come by your house in 20!"


I quickly hopped out of bed and looked through my closet for something to wear.
This'll do!

I put on some light makeup and decided to let my hair down

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I put on some light makeup and decided to let my hair down.
I put on my air forces and ran down the stairs...
Mom: "Kay I love yo-"
I was already out the door before she could finish her sentence...
Chris: "Oh um... hey!"
y/n: "Sorry I kept you waiting."
Chris: "It's fine, you're only 25 minutes late."
y/n: "Not even! More like 10 minutes."
Chris: "Still, 10 minutes is a long time!"
y/n: "yeah, yeah, whatever!"

Chris's pov:

We had been walking for a while....
y/n: "Oh we should get something at 7eleven!"
Chris: "Okay!"
We head inside and y/n runs over to the ice cream.
y/n: "I'm getting this ice cream cone!"
Chris: "Oh, I want one too!"

We both headed over to the cash register to pay for our ice cream.
Cashier: "Is that all?"
Chris: "Yeah."
Cashier: "That'll be three dollars and ten cents."
Chris: "okay."
Cashier: "Here is your change have a nice da- wait."
Chris: "What?"
Cashier: "Aren't you that girl that got Slurpee's with your kids and boyfriend not too long ago."
Kids? Boyfriend???
y/n: "Uh well no-"
Cashier: "And who's this guy- OH MY GOD! Are you cheating on your boyfriend??"
I just looked at y/n confused...
Cashier: "I don't blame you this guy looks better looking than the other one you were with!!"
y/n: "OH GOD!"
y/n grabs the ice cream and pulls me out of the store.
Chris: "What the fuck was that about. Kids? Cheating on your boyfriend?"
y/n: "No, there weren't any kids (Well actually yeah there was) and there is definitely no boyfriend (well except for you of course)."
Chris: "Then what was she talking about?"
y/n: "Me and Dylan-"
Chris: "DYLAN?"
y/n: "NO this is before we became a thing. Me and Dylan went to get Slurpee's with his little sister and my litter brother, and she assumed we were a family."
Chris: "Oh."
y/n: "Yeah..."
Chris: "Well she was right about me being better looking than Dylan."
y/n: "Yeah, she was!"
We both laugh it off and opened our ice cream to eat...

y/n's pov:

We were eating our ice cream...
y/n: "Can I try your ice cream? You can try mine."
Chris: "Sure!"
We swapped ice creams...
y/n: "Eww Chris wtf is this?'
Chris: "What? It's a good flavor!!"
y/n: "No it's not."
I took my ice cream back. He licks his ice cream...
Chris: "Mmmh my favorite."
y/n: "Dude that shit tastes like ass."
We both laugh when we finally get back home.

Chris: "Hey um... tomorrows the last day of summer and the school thing..."
y/n: "What about it?"
Chris: "Well on the last day of summer we have a pool day. I was wondering if you wanted to come. I totally get it if you can't or don't want to, but I think it-"
y/n: "YES!"
Chris: "Huh?"
y/n: "I'll come!"
Chris: "Oh great I'll tell Matt and Nick about it! Cya."
y/n: "Bye!"
I don't actually want to go, but I can't say no to Chris!

I headed inside...
Mom: "Hey honey!"
y/n: "Hey mom, can I ask you something?"
Mom: "Sure!"
y/n: "Um so you know how you grounded me, and my punishment was that I can't go to those school things."
Mom: "Yes?"
y/n: "Well tomorrow's the pool party, Chris asked me to go, and I may or may not have said I would go."
Mom: "What? So, you're going?"
y/n: "Well I have to now!"
Mom: "What's the point of a punishment if you don't abide by it!!"
y/n: "It's the last day of summer!! Please?"
Mom: "Only because I love you. (and your relationship with Chris!!)."
y/n: "YAY THANK YOU MOM! You're the best!!!"
Mom: "Yes, yes, I know!"

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