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Before you start reading I just wanted to thank everyone who has supported me and big thanks for 10K reads! I appreciate every one of you! Love you guys <3

Enjoy the chapter...

Matt's pov:

I woke up and headed straight to the bathroom.

Shit, I got to pee!!!

Just as I was about to open the door to the bathroom, someone came out.

y/n: "Oh hi Matt!"

Matt: "Y/n?!"


Flashback from last night:

y/n: "You smell good."

Matt: "I- um- thank you?"

She looks up at me and started playing with my hair.

Matt: "y/n- I don't- I think you should-"

I decided to get up.

y/n: "What's wrong?"

Matt: "y/n I think you should get some rest. You're still drunk, you're not acting like yourself."

She got up and grabbed my hand, but I pulled away.

Matt: "Go to sleep y/n."


End of flashback:

y/n: "You okay Matt?"

She doesn't remember what happened last night.

Matt: "Uh- y-yeah."

y/n: "Okay."

She walks past me.

Matt: "Wait!"

y/n: "Yeah?"

Matt: "Are you wearing my shirt?"

y/n: "I don't know, Chris gave it to me. He said it was his shirt."

Matt: "It's actually mine."

y/n: "I can ask Chris to get me another shirt, I'm sorry-"

Matt: "No you can keep it on! You look better in it anyways."

She laughs.

Matt: "Why are you wearing Chris's clothes?"

y/n: "Long story."

Matt: "Summarize."

y/n: "Some chick named Alyssa came over, then I went home to change but Alyssa purposely drove over a puddle and splashed me. Now I'm here!"

Alyssa, that piece of shit.

Matt: "I'm sorry."

y/n: "No worries!"

She walks off.

y/n's pov:

I head into the kitchen to Marylou making breakfast.

y/n: "Hey Marylou!"

Marylou: "Y/n! There's my favorite daughter I wish I had!"

y/n: "Making breakfast? I can help if you want?"

Neighbors (Sturniolo triplets)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon