moving in

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y/n pov:

I hopped out of the car and stood in front of our new house. "Alright kids lets get unpacking we don't have all day." my dad says. "I want the bigger room!" my little brother yells as he runs into the house with his suitcase. My mom laughs as I help my parents move everything in.

I go to my room and look around. "Your room is big isn't it?" my mom says. "Yeah it is! I love it!" I say to her. "Well get unpacking your father will bring up a mattress because your bed frame isn't coming till tomorrow." my mom says as she leaves my room. I start unpacking and putting all my clothes in my closet when my dad comes in. "Here is your bed kiddo. Almost done unpacking?" my dad says. "Yeah almost" I say. "Good we are heading out to eat soon so get dressed." he says. "Alright I'll be down soon." I say.

I get done unpacking and pick out an outfit for dinner.


I head down stairs and we all head out to get in the car

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I head down stairs and we all head out to get in the car. 

Me, my brother, and my dad are in the car waiting for mom. "What's taking her so long? I'm hungry." my brother whines. I laugh as I look out the car window. I notice three boys, around my age, playing basketball on their driveway. I don't think anything of it and go on my phone.

After dinner:

I go to my room and plop down onto my mattress. I scroll through Instagram looking at my friends stories. This made me get a little upset thinking about all my friends I left since I had to move to Massachusetts. I grab my skateboard and head downstairs. 

"Mom can I go out and skate around a little bit?" I ask my mom. "But its late honey." she says as I make a sad face while walking away. " Ok fine but be back by 8pm." she finally says. "Thanks mom I love you!" I scream while running out the door.

I skate around for awhile and realize its already 8pm so I start heading home. As I see my house I notice the three boys that were playing basketball earlier. It looks like they were going out. I decide to give them a wave as I get off of my skateboard and head inside.

Chris's pov:

As we were heading out to eat we notice a girl skating down the street. "Who is she?" Matt says. "I don't know but she looks cool." I say. "Yeah, she's also very pretty." Nick says. She gave us a little wave as she hopped off her board. We wave back and see she lives next door to us. "Oh she's the one who just moved in this morning." Matt says. Then we all hop in the car and go to eat.

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