7.Experience loss and the opportunity to heal.

Start from the beginning

" I missed you so much!" she tears up rarely letting go of the two.

" We missed you two sweety, the bakery was so empty without you! " her mother cried," I fear that you were never coming back!"

" How could you say that, mom?"

" Now dear, I traveled to, " her mom sighed, "I didn't return home because I fell in love. I was fearful you might follow my steps."

Marinette cupped her face in a lovely gesture.

" I would never abandon you, even if I do find someone, be it hundreds of miles away, I would abandon you. "

" When do we get to see your work?" her dad asks as they walk to the car, the small middle-class car was nothing compared to Felix's limo, but it had that all too familiar bakery smell and was filled with memories from the past, that she would trade it for nothing in the world.

" Tell us about London!" her mom bite a croissant. 

" I got gifts for everyone," ladybug smiled," Felix took me shopping yesterday, and you won't believe the amazing things I saw!"

" Like?" her dad started the car.

" I meet the queen!" she squeaks and her father almost pushes the breaks.

" The queen of London?"

"Yes, the Graham family took me to Buckingham palace, and I shake hands with her, other people did too, but for me, it was so special!"

" Wow, you had quite an experience, I am happy for you dear. What else did you see?"

" Get ready for this, Hogwarts theme park! "

Her mother gasp.

" That sounds delightful!"

" And there are so many places, I can't wait to go home and talk about it -," Marinette was cut off when a gigant ice cream man fell to the ground in front of their car almost crushing it.

" I am sorry for your car," Scarabelle winked rolling her yoyo in the air," but you better. take cover! Things are about to get nasty! Chat are you ready?"

"Let's go!" her dad helped them out," we'll be safe here!"

What seemed like hours passed in minutes, before the lucky charm fixed everything including the car, Scarabella stared
with concern at them before jumping away never to be seen again.

Omg, Alya is doing great! I should have never doubted her. The brunette thinks to herself as they leave the center of Paris to their bakery. Even if the Akuma attack frightened them a bit, they were happy that they were all safe. And it looked like Paris was in good hands.

Upon returning home cleaning and unpacking were Marinette's main occupations, she lovingly placed every gift in a gift bag, recalling all the wonderful moments she had shopping for them. Lady Graham had an excellent eye for gifts, probably because she got Adrian so many troughs the year- "Omg Adrain!"

She gasps realizing that she forgot about him! She was so buzzy in the last days, preparing to finish the collection and return home that, she forgot about him.

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