5.Journey To London

Start from the beginning

" Are we heading there now lady Graham?"

" No dear," she caresses Felix's head," well be there tomorrow to present your temporary studio. "

"I will have my own studio?!"

"Well, yes dear, you will make your design there, after all, you will make a whole collection. "

" Your kindness knows no limits, my lady. "

" Please, you flatter me. I hope our guest room will be to your liking. "

" No worries, I work with what I am given. "

" I saw, you are truly gifted," she praised making the brunette blush.

        Hundred minutes later the car stopped and Felix lifted his drowsy body from his mother's lap, blushing when he realized Marinette saw him in such an embarrassing situation.

" Shall I lead lady Dupain-Chang to her room mother? "

" Of course my beloved"

" Shall we?" he offered his hand, a gesture to well known in the British aristocracy.

" Thank you mr. Graham," she gladly accepted it.

The room Felix lead her to was in the east part of the mansion, a beautiful Victorian architecture filing her soul with passion.

" Here you have your mini-studio," he explains while opening the door," you can make your drawings here and do the craft at the studio. If you need anything just ask one of the butlers. "

He headed to the door, she stopped him.

" Can we speak?"

" There's nothing to say, lady Dupain-Chang. "

" Felix I am sorry I rejected you. My intention was never to hurt you. "

That angered him.

" At last, I moved on, but you, you will stay your whole life waiting for a man who already found someone. "

" I just don't want things to be awkward between us."

" Don't worry, they won't"

He closed the door behind him.

Here comes the pain, the tears, sitting on the floor drawing hats, shirts, and suits while brushing her tears away. Things weren't supposed to be like that! She wanted to make things right but it would be a lie if she said she didn't understand how Felix felt right about then.

She will give him time to calm down, and she will give herself time to do the same. Getting up she looked at the various models but non said Paris, France the way she wanted to portray her collection. She got up, she should call her parents.

" Hey, love you! How are you mom and dad?"

" We are fine dear, " her mom smiled, " How was the flight?"

" Tiersom, I dozed off a bit, how's the shop?"

" Empty without you, dear. We are so proud," her dad popped into the conversation " come home soon, ok?"

" oh, Father, the days will fly in no time. "

" We miss you already, " the buffy man sighed holding his wife's hand. Marinette copied his gesture, she wanted a love like theirs, will she ever find one?

" I should unpack, I am tired, love you bye!"

" Goodbye, dear!"

The screen went black and she returned to the floor.


The next morning's meal was displeasing, quiet, and gray. Nothing like the warm happy ones back home, but it held a feeling of ease, of solitude, and of privacy. Felix and his mom didn't talk much, and she had no reason to make small talk either. She already knows that she will be taken to the studio after and the rest of the La Vanily family will go their separate way.

" Marinette", lady Graham spoke after chewing her salat," I hope you don't mind but I hired a guide to show you around "

" That wasn't necessary lady Graham. "

" I believe it was, after all, you don't get to see the UK every day. You should doze off before you start working. "

" Yes ma'am, I agree.."

After finishing her dinner Marinette returned to her room, finding a basket of roses on her bed. It was kept together by a red ribbon and had various chocolates inside hidden through the petals.

The note said :

Roses are the flowers of passion,
which you deny
But how can I live?
When my heart is yours
And you will never be mine
And especially when
I know I can't love anyone else

Did Felix do that? What a romantic gesture! Marinette felt her face heat up, she had never gotten a love letter before. Easily she pulled a flower out of the bunch briding it in her hair, she was ready to see England now.

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