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Here's an update because I don't want you to see me in your dream 😂
Chapter dedicated to ZainabIsahShinkafi


2 missed calls from favourite mother.

She called back happily. "Ummiiii"

"Baby. Who fed your husband today? "


"Yes answer me"

"I.....i did Ummi", she said stuttering

"Don't lie to me"

"I am serious ma-

-well you could ask him where he got the food from", she interrupted and hang up the call.

What the ffffff.... Flowers.

  Salma jumped off the bed and half run to Jamaal's room tripping on the deck of the door frame.

"Lafiya kuwa?" he asked in Hausa running to lift her up.

"Don't you dare touch me", she warned. "Who made that bloody food you made me eat"

"That is no way to talk to your husband Juliet. Is the poison at work this fast? " he teased.

"I'm not in the mood for your flimsy jokes. Who made that food"

  "Rephrase your statement and get an answer", he said nonchalantly sitting back on the chaise lounge.

   "You are testing my patience Jamaal", she shouted her eyes filled to the brim with anger and tears.

"You have been doing this since when you became my wife."

  "You are totally different from Kamal", she couldn't control herself anymore.

Jamaal took three huge steps and he was in front of her at the door. He grabbed her jaw and brought her eyes to his eye level, he gritted his teeth. She could swear she saw two red horns poking out of his head, black smoke puffing out of his ears, the vein under his eyes twitching, and another vein popping out at his temple. Anger was clearly written in his eyes, and his nose broadens.

   "If you ever in this life compare me and Kamal. You will regret ever knowing him", he released her head and reach out for his car keys on the bedside table, before brushing passing by her out of the room. She heard the main door slammed and the gate being opened, she was stuck to the place he left her.

  She has pushed him to the wall. The ever calm and playful Jamaal. That was the first time in her entire life that she saw him this angry.

  Why did she even care, her heart spluttered. It's not that he did not piss her off too, he got what he deserve. But, is that what he deserve? Her brain argued. This man has always been patient with you.

  Her heart and brain are in conflict and she does not know who to ignore and who to accept. Only Allah knows. She entered his bathroom to perform ablution.


  Trying to get off the incident from her head she busied herself with work on her laptop. A call came in through Skype, her mom is calling.

"Ummi", she drools as soon as her mother's view came up the screen.

"Baby. Did you now know who cooked the meal you ate?"

"He... He's not at home and.... His number is not going... going through" she stuttered before her brain puts two and two together. It now makes sense, her mom did it. That is the only way she can know she's not the one that cooked it. It's daddy's favourite!

  "care to share? "

"Ummi you did it. But how.. How did-

-Yes I did it. He came to the house hungry, he requested for food for you and him, that's how I know", her mother interrupted like usual.

"That's so shameless. Asking for food in your in-laws house".

"I was his mother before I became yours. I use to bathe him with your brother you know"

  "Ewwww", she made a disgusted face.

"What is shameful is you leaving your husband hungry why you are in the office. On Saturday fah baby".

"At the site Ummi. They needed me-

-They will always need you. But family first, I am sure I taught you that".

  "You did Ummi" she acknowledged "But he can cook, why did he go to the house then? "

   "Maybe is his own way of reporting you, telling us and in a way not telling us, reporting you without details. You are so hard to put off, you know".

  "He doesn't want me to work"

"How will he? when you abandon him in the house even on weekends".

    "Baby you were the headgirl in primary school, an assistant in secondary school and the assistant course Rep in university. How will you feel if those under you don't respect your orders? " Ummi asked seriously. How does that even relate to this issue at hand. He's not the boss of me, she thought without daring to say it out loud.
    "I will feel worthless", she answered non the less.
"Okay.... Will you want your children to grow up in a lawless home? What is lawlessness even called?

  "Anarchy. I won't Ummi".

"How will they follow your orders when you don't follow the law of the one above you? Even Islamically, when you respect your husband you are respecting your Lord. There's nothing to loose in becoming subservient. You only gain, baby. You gain your jannah. Paradise".

   "What should I do now?" she asked for direction.

"Abort whatever your mind is telling you and apologize".

   "What if my mind is telling me to apologize. Should I ignore it too? " she asked bringing humour.

  "Everything is a joke to you right? About the job issue, sit him down and discuss. Discuss it like his opinion is what is the final say not like he's your son and you are dictating it to him. You can all shift from your opinion and settle inbetween. Learn to compromise baby. You are a team, face challenges like one".

     "Yes, favourite mother. How is Baba and my brothers? "

"Your father that you talked to this morning. I should be asking you that seeing as you are the closest to him even though you live miles apart".

   "Jealous much?" she beams, she has always feel on top of the world when they refer to her as her father's closest.

  "Enjoy it while it last. He will soon replace you with his grandchildren on the way", she smiles.

   "Bye favorite mother, we will talk later", she says shyly and put off the call.

  How will she apologize now. 

But come to think of it, is she ready to be a mother yet? Heck no! her life is not stable now talkless of another being being added. She should talk to Jamaal about contraceptives.

  Which of the Jamaal's?  The one she spite earlier?


Yhew! ow are we going to do now. Who will help us beg Jamaal?

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