Chapter 42 - (Epilogue)

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Time skip- 2 years

Elizah stared at her reflection in the mirror. It was almost impossible for her to recognize herself. Although the scar had been stitched up, the markings were still quite prominent even after layers of the powder that had been smacked onto her face.

Her hair was done into a neat bun and was braided on the sides with blue and green ribbons, and her gown was made of a silky green fabric. She wore her ring on her left hand, and the sleeves of her dress were made specially to hide her scars.

If Roxanne had seen her daughter now, it would make her so proud. Her daughter was going to be the queen of Zameronia, and finally settle into a peaceful life. Two unstable long years had passed and Jayden had tried very hard to bring peace to the territory. Elizah had finally come to terms with herself and she was ready to ascend the throne.

Elizah's gaze shifted to the dressing table where there was a small pearl bracelet. She looked at it fondly for a moment before she made the split second decision to wear it.

She paced in her large room, which was something she was still getting used to. After living in a small house for so long, the new tower that they called their home seemed so vast, and the cottage nothing more than insignificant.

It was almost impossible for Elizah to find any of her things in here. With so much space, there were endless ways to lose things.

Elizah walked up to the window of her room to see the crowds bundling at the palace entry. But she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Milady, it's time," there was a young maid who stood there with a smile.

Elizah was a bundle of nerves, she was extremely worried about the prospect of her coronation, but also about how people would perceive her as the queen.

She walked slowly down the corridor to the large councilroom where the doors were wide open, almost awaiting her arrival.

She was careful as she held her head high and walked into the room. Her neck hurt from craning like this, but it was only going to be for a few moments.

There were collective gaspes heard from the crowd as they saw the scarred face of their new queen, but Elizah stood undeterred by their opinions. There were whispers in some parts of the crowd, but soon silenced when they noticed Jayden's glare from ahead.

Jayden stood waiting for her at the front of the room near two black crystal thrones. They had been created specially for Jayden and Elizah and had been modelled after the tower itself.

Jayden took Elizah's left hand with his right and they shared a smile between themselves as they knelt down carefully.

Jade stood in front of the two of them and began to speak, "When a great tragedy befalls, there's always a spark of hope that can be found. The death of both the previous rulers was certainly a great tragedy, but nonetheless, we've come forward to brace the change. The past two years we have spent rebuilding the country, and now, our king has finally picked his queen."

"With my satisfaction in them, I believe that she will be the ruler we need. With the power vested in me, by the forefathers, the rulers, and fate itself," Jade lifted her sword and handed it to Jayden and he put it on Elizah's shoulders slowly.

"I appoint thee, Elizah Larkspear, daughter of Liran Cohen, to guard, defend, rule and care for the people of this country as you take the role of Queen," Jayden said and Jade took the sword from Jayden and handed him Noxaura's old crown.

"All hail the King and Queen! May they bring a reign of peace and prosperity to all," Jade said and the crowd echoed as Jayden and Elizah stood with their faces full of joy as they watched the beginning of a new era. A new era of peace.

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