Like a rose in the moonlight

Start from the beginning

-Why are we friends again? Minho raised an eyebrow.

-Because I am the only one that doesn't run away from you when you make this face.

-Get out, he said with a stern face.

-Alright, alright! I'll tell Jisung to help you, he devilish smirked.

-Don't you dare! Hwang!

It was too late. Hyunjin was already on his way to Jisung's bedroom.

It was early in the morning, so Jisung was brushing his teeth when he heard footsteps.

He panicked and told Felix who was comfortably sleeping in their bed to hide.

Oh, right... He didn't know where since he was blind.

Jisung took his hand and placed him behind the door.

Hyunjin almost slammed Felix when he opened the door, but luckily the freckled boy wasn't hit.


The boy mumbled in response while having toothpaste in his mouth.

-Do you stuff toothpaste in your cheeks too? Hyunjin asked confused.

Jisung spat it in the sink and wipe it with a towel.

-Morning, Hyunjin!

-Jisung, Minho wants you to help him with something. I tried to help him myself, but he requested you specifically. You know...since you are his servant.

-Temporarily servant. Fine, whatever! I'll go check on him, but can you let me change?

-Oh, sure! Sorry! See you!

With that Hyunjin got out the room and Jisung sighed in relief.

-Are you alright? Did he hit you? Jisung asked genuinely concerned.

-I'm fine. Thank you for letting me stay here with you! Felix flashed a smile at him.

-Sure! Just don't walk around here on your own, alright? No one needs to see you. I have to check on Minho. Stay here!

-Hyunjin, I swear if you called Jisung here...

Minho stopped midway when he locked eyes with Jisung.

-Hyunjin told me you need my help. Do you want me to leave?

-No! I mean... I could use your help, Minho tried to play it cool.

-Why are you dressed so fancy? Jisung asked noticing the expensive pants and the white shirt.

-I'm going with mom to a wedding and I have to look "pleasable" he said making with his hands the quote marks.

-Well, you look...

-Disgusting? Yeah, I heard this already today.

-I wanted to say that you look really nice. Your face is already pretty, so it doesn't matter what you wear. But the shirt really bring some spice to your presence.

-Did you just compliment me?

-I did. I tease you whenever I want, but I cannot deny the obvious, Jisung said with a blunt face like it was nothing.

-Can you help me with the tie?

Jisung nodded and wrapped it around Minho's neck, paying full attention to the knot.

-My mother taught me how to tie one, he said with a smile on his face. There you go! It looks good!

Minho looked in the mirror, but instead of checking his reflection, he stared at Jisung's.

-You didn't call for me, didn't you? Jisung said looking down.

-Hyunjin called you.

-Of course he did, Jisung laughed. Well now you can go and show off in front of him with your visual, he added making Minho blush.

-Nah. He would still think I'm ugly. Besides, I still have some time until we leave. Is there something you wanna know about me? Or my friends?

-Why do you hate your father?

That question caught Minho off guard. His eyes darkened as he stared at Jisung's.

-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! Jisung excused himself.

-He cheated on my mother. But she stayed because she needed money to raise me. So for years my mom endured living with him. For me. When her company started on the right track, they divorced and fought over me in court. I remained with mom and refused to ever see his face again. And now he is dead and I feel like shit.

-I'm sorry, hyung...

-It passed, so it's fine. She is happy and I am too.

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