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Once quackity fell asleep quackity moved him to Wilbur's room and Wilbur went to his study. He began writing a letter to techno. The letter saying,

Dear technoblade,
                                       I know you've had your differences with quackity and I know he had MY ring. I gave it to him like I did when I gave you that bracelet back. I understand that it's a family heirloom but understand this, I would never get any use out of it. So I gave it to the man I love, I was tired of seeing him where those rings his ex-fiances gave him so I gave him a new ring. You should have talked to him before trying to kill him. He was only going to talk to Phil to see if he had heard from me. Let me make this clear technoblade never, ever touch Quackity again or I will not hesitate to kill you. Quackity has been through enough torture don't you thing? And knowing my own brother would hurt the man I love already is a red flag. That is all, farewell technoblade.
                                              from, Wilbur soot.

He rolled up the paper and went outside calling for a dove. He tied it around and sent it away. Wilbur walked back in the house to see quackity standing in the hall looking for Wilbur. Wilbur smiled and walked over hugging the smaller male. Quackity smiled and hugged back. They decided quackity would stay there atleast till he healed. Quackity and Wilbur snuggled alot, eventually leading to a kiss.

They were sitting outside by the river when it happened. Wilbur and quackity we're talking when the ring was brought up. Quackity got all happy about the ring thing and told Wilbur that he really appreciated and loved it(think of it as gushing over a s/o). Wilbur called him adorable which quackity didn't agree with it. He ended up telling Wilbur to shut up and Wilbur said make me. And quackity without thinking climbed in Wilburs lap and kissed him. He had both of his hands on Wilburs cheeks and he had practically straddled Wilbur. At first Wilbur was shocked but he quickly kissed back and placed his hands on quackitys waist. When they pulled away Wilbur looked away slightly. They both were flustered. "I made you shut up so it worked." Quackity mumbled slightly. "yeah it was more of flustered but yeah." Wilbur said softly and putting his head in quackitys neck.

They talked about how they both had wanted to do that for a long while now. They decided not to be official to friends or family for now but to be exclusively together. Over the next week at random times they'd randomly steal kisses from eachother or just randomly place hands on each other.

Techno replied to letter not saying much but apologizing. Wilbur didn't reply to it. Unfortunately time was flying by and it was time for quackity to got back to lasnavadas. They decided that they would write letters back and forth and on holidays quackity would come visit. It wasnt alot of affection but it was enough for them. Unfortunately, Sally had found Wilbur. It make it worse she found Wilbur and quackity kissing. Quackity left and Sally approached Wilbur. Wilbur went quiet seeing her.

"So Wilbur moving on I see?" Sally said with a laugh. "um- i-" Wilbur shook for a moment. "how did you find me?" Wilbur said trying to be as confident as possible. "I have my ways Wilbur." He heard Rushing from near by and seen quackity. "Wil! Uh I forgot my-..." He stopped when he seen sally. he quickly pulled out his bow and arrow and pointed it at her. She turned to quackity and laughed slightly. "so this is the man you're with? I can see why you like him. Small, cute, protective, probably submissive. I wonder where I could get one." Sally said well smiling. Wilbur was quiet. Quackity pulled his arrow back and aimed for her stomach. Sally turned her head to Wilbur about to say something when the arrow went into her stomach.

She fell back, placing her hand on the area as quackity rushed and pushed here into the river. Then he went and hugged wilbur. Wilbur was shaking. They sat there for awhile as Sally floated down the River, arrow still in her stomach. Quackity stayed an extra night that day wanting make sure wilbur will be okay. And let's just say Sally had all but 1 thing right about quackity.

I wish I never came back.. | Quackbur  Where stories live. Discover now