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No pov obviously

Wilbur walked back to lasnavadas with him but departed from there, to go home. He walked home enjoying the crisp night air, the only light coming from the moon. Although half through the walk he felt like he was being watched. So he started walking faster, and faster. But he wouldnt get far before everything went dark.

And when Wilbur woke he he couldnt see and he couldnt speak. Most likely meaning he was gaged and blindfolded. He tried to move to remove it only to fix his hands and most likely his legs were bound. He struggled trying to get up, only to fail. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A female voice said. Wilbur's heart sank. Sally. He's with Sally, blind folded, gaged and bound. He felt a hand go to his hair and untying the blindfold. Wilbur looked terrified. Heh, Pathetic. Sally thought.

Wilbur looked her in the eyes and just sat there in able to do anything. "So Wilbur, my love do you recognize this place?" Sally asked. Wilbur looked around, the soft blue walls, the bed with white blankets splashed with blood and the bassinet in the corner with the fox plush in it. The room a mess from the last time he was there. Wilbur nodded.

"Do you remember what you did here?" Sally asked and Wilbur nodded the picture of Wilbur snapping and finally stabbing Sally enough to the point she had passed out after did it again. The memory or the blood being all of over him and then cleaning himself as fast as he could, grabbing Fundy and fleeing.

"Ya'know no one ever told me what happened to Faith" Sally said well walking over to the bassinet. Wilbur cringed. "Nono, that's not right. No one's told me what happened to Fundy. Our lovely child. Oh do tell me did they end up as a girl or a boy" Sally said with a bright smile. Wilbur looked disgusted. "Oh wait.. you can't speak sorry, let me fix that!" Sally said well walking over and takes out the gag. "So! Tell me how is our kid!" Sally said. Wilbur didn't say anything yet. "Oh oh! Do we have grandkids?! Did I miss a wedding??" Sally said seeming excited.

"why do you even care?. I know you don't care. You didn't want a kid." Wilbur said trying to seem calm. "A girl can change Wilbur. But I assume you are correct. I never wanted the child but you instead on keeping it." Sally said with angered tone. " Ya'know it's the kids fault all this happened." Sally said well looking at Wilbur. "You shut the fuck up about MY son. He is the best kid anyone could ask for. And I may be a shit of a father but I did hell of a job with what I could to try and raise him. And what did you do? You didn't do shit so don't ever talk down about MY son." Wilbur snapped.

"oh snappy are we Wilbur." Sally said well grabbing his jaw. "and last time I checked that is OUR son." She smiled. Wilbur bit her hand "he is MY son. You may biologically be his other parent but that doesn't mean shit if you didn't raise him." Wilbur said angered. "aww did I hit a nerve? Oh poor Wilbur your mom wasn't around when you were a kid, ha but neither was your dad." Sally laughed.

"Yeah and what wouldnt you know about that? Your an orphan." Wilbur said still angered. That angered Sally. She slapped him his head going to the side. He laughed lightly. "You do realize that when Im not home it will be noticed right? And the person who will realize this, his husband has nukes, the husband has contact with MY son and his oddly crazy husband, and the person who will realize I'm not back also has contact with the blood god." Wilbur said well looking at Sally with a smile. Sally paused.

"And who says they'll even find us" Sally said well making eye contact. "Oh I don't know, who's the blood gods best friend, Philza Minecraft, my father who I've given this address in the past when I ran with Fundy." Wilbur said calmly. "Well then we'll have to get this over with quickly I guess." Sally said calmly. "Sally, Sally, Sally, if you want to try and kill me like I did you then do so, I've been stab with a sword, and sat in a train station alone only with my thoughts for 13 an a half years I can handle anything you want to do so give it your worst." Wilbur said with a laugh.

Sally began the torture, from beating him, cutting him, and more to which all of it Wilbur delt with it until late in the day when there was a loud thud outside of the room. Sally stoped and walked out the room to go check it out and we'll she did that Wilbur's head was faced at the floor he was about to pass out when the window opened. To figured moving around the room he heard the door move being blocked and felt roped on his wrists quickly loosening with his arms behind his back and then his legs getting untied. He almost immediately fell. Everything felt fuzzy at the moment he seen another figure come from the window and he was lifted up and then everything went dark again.

Wilbur woke up on a bed, his torso, legs and arms wrapped in bandages one of his hands was held towards one side of the bed. He looked over to it to see quackity asleep holding it, his head on the bed. Wilbur smiled a little before looking to the other side of the room to see tommy sitting in a chair reading and Fundy bouncing yogurt well pointing out a window to distract the child. Wilbur smiled a bit more seeing people he cared for in the room.

His biggest question right now was how long was he out for. "How long was I sleep for?" He asked quietly. "Only about 2 days." Tommy said well glancing up from his book with a small smile. "it was three days" Fundy said calmly well walking over to his dad still holding yougurt who smiled brightly at Wilbur. "Your alive!" Yougurt said happily. Wilbur chuckled slightly and nodded. "Yes yes I am" Wilbur smiled as quackity slowly woke up just leaving his head there staring at Wilbur with a smile.

Fundy lightly punched Wilbur shoulder "you had us all worried ya'know especially that one" Fundy said well pointing to the now awake Quackity. Who mumbled immidently something like 'fuck off' tommy laughed a little and Fundy smiled taking yougurt back to the window and quackity finally sat up and smiled at Wilbur before sighing "probably should tell Phil your up so he can change the bandages." Quackity said well getting up tommy got up as well to go get something to drink and yougurt went with him so Fundy and Wilbur could chat.

"We're going to be taking Sally to court by the way, it's assault and kidnapping so." Fundy said calmly. " But wi-dad I wanted to ask why the house was a wreck?" Fundy asked. "A long time ago when you were an infant after one of the things Sally did I had snapped and stabbed her about 20 times and thought I killed her but she only passed out and after I did I got cleaned up and immediately took you and left do to the inexperience I had with holding a kid I bumped into alot of things and ran to Phil's house." Will said calmly. Fundy nodded " well you really couldn't hold a kid could you?" Fundy said with a laugh. "okay look- as much as love you I almost dropped you alot-" Wilbur laughed.

I wish I never came back.. | Quackbur  Where stories live. Discover now