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"Peter-", The boy looked up from his phone

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"Peter-", The boy looked up from his phone. Her green eyes were burning themselves into his brain. "Ye-es?", he stuttered. He was embarrassed. Clearly. It was embarrassing to him, that he couldn't be as confident as the others. Arabella did not care for that fact.
She was blessed. She had always known that, and meeting Peter only confirmed that for her.
"I know we don't know each other really well, but I - I don't want to step into this relationship with any secrets." Peters heart made a flip. Yeah- he didn't want to have any secrets either, but his mouth just couldn't find the words it needed. The pasta simmered, Arabella had told him she could only really cook that without giving him food poisoning. Although her mother was a cook, she did not learn a lot from her.

"Yes. Me neither." He threw a nervous, gentle smile her way while letting his eyes fly back to his phone, and the open message he had received a minute ago. "Where are you?"
Well- where was he? He didn't catch her address. No- he just followed her.

"I have-" she looked like she was holding back tears "four soulmates. I- I'm sorry. I should have told you. I'm sorry." A tear ran down her golden cheek. Fear. She felt fearfull of his reaction. She was scared that she would already lose one of them. She was already so attached to him.
Peter needed to make a move and take some responsibility for his knowledge. He needed to man up for maybe just twenty seconds. Twenty seconds of bravery could change the whole picture.
"I know. It's okay Arabella." He engulfed her in his arms, while one of his hands turned of the stove. "You know?" She was confused. So confused. It was a crazy day. Everything happened so fast. "Yeah - I - I know them. But - it's very complicated and I-" he paused, looking at the ceiling "I can't tell you yet. I'm sorry. I need to talk to someone about this. I- I think I need to leave."

She blinked. "You- you what? You need to talk with somebody about us right now? I mean- why?" Arabella pulled a face. She was not happy about his decision. The fact that he was the connection to her other soulmates, and that they could possibly be complete in the near future, did not cross her mind in that moment. All she could hear was that Peter wanted to leave.

"I'm so sorry. Really. I will see you tomorrow. Sorry." He hugged her quickly before rushing out the door.

He did not know what he just did, or what he was supposed to do now. He left his soulmate, but couldn't meet up with the others to tell them or go looking with them for her, because he had already found her, but he didn't know how to tell them. His thoughts where running in circles. They would fucking castrate him if they found out that he didn't tell them immediately or that he left her so short after finding her.

So naturally he came to his aunt for advice. She always knew what to do and had taught him lots about the way he should treat others, especially his soulmate. So, also naturally, she smacked his head a few times. May Parker was one of the few lost souls on the planet. Just like Arabella's mother. But instead of settling for someone else, she chose to live her life independently for herself.

Peter rubbed his head and sighed, while letting himself down on his mattress. "You dumbass.", May muttered. He sighed again. Mays treatment was nothing against what he had feared would have happened to him if he faced the others. The others. A bunch of completely different men who where also destined to live together for the rest of their soulmates life, or as long as she wanted them. A bunch of men who where destined to share her. It irked him, just like it did the others. But peter could adapt, and he liked them. He could do it for sure. He was simply scared they could not.

"What if they hurt her?"

May turned around. "What?" she blinked in disbelief. "Why would they ever hurt her? Are you really scared they could do that?" Peter stayed quiet. Could they? Of course. Even thinking about the damage one of them made during his nightmares made him think about that. It wasn't right putting Bucky in that position, but he didn't want to imagine what could happen if she was sleeping next to him. Although Steve and Bucky told the younger ones that with his soulmate, Bucky would feel a lot more freedom than now, he was unsure. Of course, he wanted to protect his soulmate. He might have been the youngest and smallest, but he wanted her safe and he would protect her. But he couldn't protect her from her own mates.

"I don't know May. I shouldn't have left." "That's right.", "And I should have thought of something to text them. They will ask me about it." May rolled her eyes and leaned against the closed, wooden door of Peters room. "You could tell them... Or you can pray that they won't ask questions or believe your lie and don't find her just yet. But you know what they say- once you have found one, the others won't be too far away." Although she was somehow disappointed in her nephew, she gently curled her lips. "Its selfish Peter. Do the right thing." She opened the door and left, yelling from the kitchen. "We're eating in ten."

𝘙𝘈𝘙𝘌 // 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲Where stories live. Discover now