Visit to the kingdom - 9 years old

Start from the beginning

The last sight was the Argent Mountain far on the horizon. With its cliffs, snowy peaks, and deadly heights it was a sight to behold. The majestic screech of an eagle echoed throughout the area.

"You don't see those often" Michel followed the eagle with his gaze

Many people tried to conquer the mountain but to no avail. It is said that whoever tries to climb the mountain will be brought down by an unknown force, and because of this, many people believe that the mountain is cursed,

The rest of the journey was calm and after a short while they arrived at the gates of the capital city where they were let through without an inspection. The carriage went straight to the royal palace and Michel gently shook the two boys

"Huh, where are we?" Miyake rubbed his  eyes

"At the royal palace, champ"

"Huh?" Miyake stuck his head out through the window "What?"

"When did we get here?"

"While you two were sleeping," Michel said flatly

"So we missed the whole trip" Shin's head dropped

"There's always the trip back home." Michel stood up and opened the door "How about we get out"

Per Michel's suggestion, they came out of the carriage and were greeted by the long stairs leading to the entrance of the palace. As they looked up they saw the big windows decorated with imagery of a phoenix. The flag atop the castle also had a phoenix on it.

 The flag atop the castle also had a phoenix on it

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"Wow" Miyake's mouth hung open

"Uncle" Shin turned towards Michel "What should we do?"

"You can go explore and have fun. I need to do some business so I can't hang out with you. Just make sure to stay within the castle walls, alright?"

"Got it!" Miyake gave him a thumbs up

"Don't cause trouble" Michel walked away towards the main door with his hand in the air

"So where do you wanna go first?"

"Hmmm, I'm gonna guess that the palace is off limits even though Uncle didn't specify it"

"I guess we'll just walk around until we find something interesting" Shin shrugged and started walking with Miyake following behind

"I hope it's a place with food" Miyake rubbed his stomach "I haven't had breakfast and it's already time for lunch"

The duo walked around until they stumbled upon a garden with a gazebo and a woman sitting in it. *Think of the sitting area from Re Zero s2*

The woman had platinum blonde hair which fell freely down to her lower back. Her crystal clear blue eyes calmly observed the baby in her arms with her mouth curled in a warm smile. The baby was wrapped in a red blanket as its chest rose and lowered rhythmically.

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