Chapter 2 - The Woman In The Green Robe

Start from the beginning

"Say no more!" Exclaims Daren. "I will grant you my protection for the duration of your quest. From what you say, I would surmise that you are not actually trying to win the tournament?"

"No... I'm not," says the woman. "I am looking for... a friend. And I have reasons to believe that she's somewhere on this continent. But I don't have specific leads just yet. For now, I just need to stay alive."

"Then you can join us!" Daren exclaims happily. "We were just about to get out of here! We're way too out in the open right now."

The woman turns her head, and gives Barry a suspicious look.

"I only asked to travel with you. I don't think it would be wise to travel with someone with such a... noticable magical power." She says. "Traveling with him will bring us too much attention..."

"Listen, I understand your point of view, but he saved my life," Daren speaks. "And I plan on repaying my debt to him. If you want me to escort you, he is coming with us. It's all three of us or none at all."

The woman takes a moment to think.

"Very well," she says. "If that's the way it has to be, then I'll oblige. Just know that I'll be constantly watching my back."

"Then that settles it!" Daren says. "Now that we got that done, let's be off! The tournament awaits!"

"Wait..." Barry says, stopping the group. He then takes off his hood, revealing his pitch black hair. "You didn't tell us your name."

"Please... please..." Barry thinks while looking at the woman. "Please recognize me, or at least give me a hint! Show me that you are who I'm looking for..."

"Kate..." the woman answers coldly. "My name is Kate."

"Wh-what did she just say?" Barry thinks. "Is it... is it really you? You survived? Wait! Control yourself Barry! She doesn't recognize you and she already said she doesn't trust you. You can't just tell her now... but what if she isn't the Kate I know? She was cheerful and happy... but now she's... cold... what happened to her while I was gone?"

The trio begins to walk forward into the forest, the many explosions in the distance subsiding with each passing moment. Eventually, Barry's device reboots and his aura is concealed, only a vestige of what it truly was. Enough to drive off attention, like that of a normal human. At some point, Daren began to ask Barry about his strong aura.

"I must ask," Daren says. "How come you have such an immense magical aura? I haven't felt such pressure since I interacted with a sage a long time ago, and does that device help you conceal it?"

Barry stays silent, he doesn't know what to say. He can't tell him of his past, that would show Kate who he really is. And despite all the time he spent looking for her, he never thought of what he would tell her. He needs more time.

"I was just blessed, I guess."

A lie that took everything inside him to say. His power wasn't a blessing, it was a curse. A curse he never ask for.

"And this device helps me conceal it, I've always had a problem with-"

"Quiet down, you two... We got company..." Kate says pointing in front of her.

In the clearing just ahead of them, a battle had occurred. Trees broken, snapped like twigs and dead bodies almost completely covering the grass.

The three victors of this skirmish were standing in the middle, looting their rewards.

One was big and strong looking, with very long black beard covering his face. He was wearing heavy armor and wielding a large battle axe, and based on his appearance, it looks like he is in his mid forties.

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