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louise grew up knowing he was different, he hated girly things, long hair, make up, he hated it all. he wanted to wear 'boys' clothes but his parents told him it wasnt natural, they shunned him. when he puberty he started developing into something he didnt want to be, he started wearing his binder and wearing 'boys' clothes. his parents told him it was just a faze but he knew it wasnt. all he wanted was to be who he was supposed to be. he started being bullied by his classmates. he was told he was unnatural, a freak of nature. he searched the internet to find out if there were others like himself, he found a tumblr page. on his 14th birthday he told his parents that he was transgender. his father left, his mother told him she would love him and help him become who he was supposed to be. he never felt accepted by any of his peers, that was until a bright haired, genderfluid michael stumpled upon his cinderblock garden.


if youre going to be homophobic or transphobic you can leave right now, your opinion is not wanted.


!! disclaimer !!

1) i do not own michael or luke
2) i wish i did
3) there will be spelling mistakes because i just cant spell very well, so politely point them out and i'll correct them
4) if you make any homophobic or transphobic comments i will block you

enjoy !!

- lottie

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