Chapter 5

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A crow flew through the airs of the Dream SMP before finally landing on the walls of L'manberg as if on look for something or well...someone. Blank black beady eyes finally found a blonde haired boy who has his arm wrapped around the neck of a brunette boy his same age. "Philza Minecraft should finally have the letter tubbo! Before you know it we'll have the legendary Mister Minecraft himself here to help!" The blondette declared happily. The crow finally flew right towards the boy, a piece of paper tightly in his beak before landing right by the young teens. " AH!" Tommy yelled, alarmed by the sudden paper flying in his face, but he caught the one thing he was waiting for.

"To Tommy Innit Minecraft

From Philza Minecraft"

Election day in: 2 Months


An echo of the bells rang through the ears of the contestants that didn't get lost in the dust of the last game. Especially of the Feline hybrid that had her paws digging into the soil below her and ears laid back, sweat dripping from her forehead as words ran by her brain 50 miles per second. Duckie shook her head before slapping her cheeks a few times, finally muting all the words her mind threw at her. For Nether sake it's fall and cold, the sweat that slid down her cheeks shouldn't be as hot as they are now.

A loud echo rang through the skies again as everyone held tightly the small bag of red dust that sat in there, before Duckie could blink many hurried off towards their targets to begin setting up the firework trigger. Quickly the girl hurried on to her own as she still couldn't get rid of the horrendous feeling that shadowed over her as she opened the bag upon kneeling by her target. Reaching into the bag she felt the warm dust inside the bag as it started to glow from her touch almost like a glitter of sorts. After grabbing a handful, the girl saw as all she had to do was carefully line the target to the dispenser that was sure to shoot the fireworks into the sky upon shooting. Looking up from her own project in front of her, Duckie noticed that many people were headed back to their bow and arrows. Some moved so fast that they misplaced a bit of Redstone dust so it wasn't connected and never went off. Poor girl looked away as she once again was distracted and she quickly started piling the dust into a line between the two objectives. It didn't take long but she had to make sure there were no misplaced or missing spots before getting to her feet and hurrying to the archery station. But before she could officially return to her spot, the sound of air flew by her head which caused her to stop in her place as it was so sudden. She knew the sound, an arrow had been fired right by her face and nearly missed, WAS SOMEONE TRYING TO KILL HER? After panicking internally for a moment she decided to crouch down a bit and tried to hurry all the way to her spot.

Finally reaching she grabbed her bow only to hear a scream from a small group in the crowd not far from them. Turning her attention to the noise, a woman was holding her arm that an arrow stuck out of. Gasps escaped her lips and a whistle was blown as many dropped their bows as it rang but Duckie was too distracted to even process all that just happened.

What happened?

"Hey mate!! What are you staring at!! Shoot your arrow!" A familiar voice yelled out. This made Duckie blink and look around as everyone was back to the way they were. Standing with arrows pointed at the targets as the crowd cheered.

What happened?

Moving back to where she stood she saw the crowd was just fine and they were cheering just like everyone else was, even the woman who was shot. Confused and a quick head shake she finally looked at Philza who was now whistling and waving his hands while the sounds of fireworks started going off. SHIT! SHE WAS BEHIND! Quick body moments she grabbed an arrow from the box by her and placed it in her bow, sounds of fireworks going off nonstop. Not realizing how loud this was, it was hard for the feline to pay attention as her ears laid back and she tried to focus her aim on the target. Another firework shot off finally as a bell rang loudly...

Yellow paws gripped the wooden bow in her hands only for them to drop it as soon as she had grabbed it in the beginning. Along with the bow dropped an arrow as it laid in the grass by her feet. She has failed and now it was too late to shoot the arrow.

What happened?


What happened?


What happened?

"Duckie!" A rasped voice yelled as arms grabbed the feline's shoulders. Shaking eyes finally met and focused on the old woman in front of her," hey hey, what's going on with you?" She spoke with worry, lacing her voice. A hand found its way to Duckie's forehead," We may be dealing with a Fever here" Philza spoke, finally breaking through the void gaze from the brunette. "I'm dizzy..." She finally stuttered out before a black engulfed her vision.

Fire engulfed the town as screams echoed through the streets. A woman held her bow tightly, aiming it at a gray skinned pillager who proudly held a child who was hanging high off the ground, clawing at the arms of its capter. Loud cries came from the child as it struggled around before landing on the woman that aimed an arrow at them. "HELP ME! HELP ME!" The child continued crying as they reached their arms out. "Close your eyes kid!" She shouted back as the kid did as they were told and covered their eyes with their arms. "Eh? You're gonna shoot at me while I hold a child! You villagers sure are as dumb as you look!" The pillager commented with a snarky tone. "I'm not shooting you" The woman spat back at him, only earning a raised brow to her. Before he could reply with another snarky remark he felt unbearable pain in his throat. Distracted with the woman being a hazard, he didn't even see the arrow aimed at him from behind. Falling to his knees he dropped the child. Moving quickly the kid hurried away to their mother who stood past the woman who still held her bow tightly before loosening. Upon hearing the mother's relieved sobs she turned to the two as the kid and mom shared an embrace. A small smile fell on the woman's lips as she heard her own baby's voice. "Mama!" They had cried out as the woman's attention was now in the small toddler that was in the arms of an old woman.

"Mom! I told you to keep her away from this! The basement!" The woman yelled,"I know I know! But she kept escaping up the stairs looking for you and before I could grab her she was already out the door!" The older woman replied. The smile only grew more at the thought of her baby, before she could make her way to join her family... her breath left her lungs. An arrow from behind pierced her lungs...


"Hey hey! Duckie wake up!" An alerted penelope quickly spoke as she grabbed her quickly rising granddaughter. She had woken up screaming which scared the young Girl. Trying to get a grasp of what was going on around her, Duckie's hands had gripped tightly the blanket that laid on top of her. The wave of coolness blew on her face which made her aware of the drips of sweat that formed themselves. "Thank gods you're awake" Her grandmother sighed as she grabbed Duckie's empty hand into hers. "You've been passed out for a good five hours! And with that fever I was worried..." she continued speaking which made the feline girl reach to her forehead only to feel how tired her arms were and how they ached.

"It may just be a cold... the doctor is on his way to check on you" her grandmother finished as she released her hands before standing up. Duckie had yet to speak but even just opening her mouth she felt how parched she was. Looking side to side of the room she sat in, she got an idea of what might have happened as her memories of what happened before her fainting spell. 

·Lemon Tree· (MCYT OC Insert)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora