Bonnie tucked her knees up against her chest. "Yeah, I know." Bonnie looked over, smiling slightly. "I really screwed up, didn't I."

Tara nodded softly, smiling in return. "Yeah, you did, but I also know why. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

The pair were silent for a moment, with Tara just holding her friend as they sat together. When Bonnie's breathing finally settled, she smiled at her friend. "Thanks for being here with me, I don't know if I could have done this without you."

Tara just laughed softly. "Sure you would have, you're Bonnie Rockwaller. One word and you'd have half the school running."

Bonnie chuckled softly before releasing one last breath. "Tara... are we gonna be good?"

Tara sighed deeply. "I don't know, I hope so." She glanced down at her watch, and rose to her feet. "Come on, time for class. You'll have to greet your adoring public sometime."

First period passed without incident, though there were quiet whispers all through the class. Second period was much the same, though the whispers were quickly shifting. At the start, Bonnie could hear the various thoughts running through people's heads; Ron was drugging her, she was using him to get at Kim, even that some experiment from one of Kim's foes had caused a fundamental shift in the fabric of reality. Bonnie liked that one, it did have an ounce of truth to it. After all, there must have been some sort of reality shift for her to be in love with Ron, and he with her.

But by second period, it was obvious that Monique had been doing her job VERY well. So well in fact, that she was exceptionally glad that Monique was nice, and that Bonnie had never seriously angered her before. The way she could spread the gossip around the entire school in such a short period of time was remarkable. Now, rather than talking of drugs, the girls were swooning at how Ron had swept Bonnie off her feet while she had been hurting, and their secret love that they had to keep hidden. The guys were talking about Ron's apparent jump in standing, and how if he could sweep Bonnie off her feet, that they knew they could be in trouble if Ron ever set his sights on their girls. She even heard the captain of the chess team talking to one of his friends, saying that if Ron Stoppable could date a cheerleader, maybe he should take a chance. She had no idea who he was talking about, but at least word was getting around, and it was largely positive.

By the time lunch rolled around, Bonnie was practically giddy, as she had people coming up to her that she hardly ever knew, and never acknowledged before congratulating her. All hesitation was gone from her now, and when she entered the cafeteria, she went straight for her boyfriend.

Ron, who had also been hearing bits and pieces throughout the day, was quite startled when Bonnie threw herself into his arms, not caring one whit for the school's PDA guidelines. The wind knocked out of him slightly, Ron grinned brightly. "I take it things are working out all right then?"

Bonnie nodded quickly, smiling. "Ronnie, I just never thought... I mean, when I decided to do this, I thought... but everyone seems to be so nice about this and..." She pulled him into anouther hug, cutting herself off.

Ron just grinned, holding her close. "I told you it would be all right."

After a few moments, Bonnie pulled away, though she kept a hold of his arms. "Ron, do you think you could get me my lunch?"

"Sure Bonnie, not a problem."

As Ron headed for the lunch line, Bonnie sat down and smiled at Kim and Monique, who just watched the scene in front of them. "He's so cute, isn't he?"

Valentine's surpriseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon