5. sweaters and sweetness || end

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For as long as they've known each other, Seokjin's friend group has had one tradition that has stood longer than all the rest: wearing some sort of Christmas sweater, whether it be something that actually looks good or an absolute abomination that couldn't possibly be worn unironically. That was why Seokjin had Namjoon dressed up in a loose bright red sweater with a smiling reindeer on the front surrounded by Christmas lights. Namjoon had protested at first, but it had only taken Seokjin promising to make more Christmas cookies for him to convince him to just go along with it. Seokjin had chosen for himself a green sweater with an excessively large Santa Claus along with some English words he didn't know the meaning of, and some snowflakes spread across the rest of it.

"Was this really necessary?" Namjoon asks, fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater that are somehow too long for even his lengthy arms at the same time as trying to balance the tray of Christmas cakes Seokjin has tasked him with carrying. "When I agreed to this whole thing I hadn't realized I was signing up for the world's most itchy sweater."

"You've been faking dating me for a week and the sweater is the dealbreaker for you?" Seokjin chuckles. "Besides, it's not that bad. You can take it off soon anyways, it's just our little gimmick."

"Fine. But I'm only in it for the cookies," Namjoon grumbles, likely only stopping his rant because they had just arrived at the door, which has a wreath on it. The entire front of the house is decorated, actually, with multicolored lights and various festive hues of tinsel wrapped around it. If Seokjin was enthusiastic about the Christmas season, Taehyung was an entire fanatic, going all out every year. Seokjin knocks on the door, a bit of snow falling from the wreath onto his hand at the disturbance.

Almost immediately the door opens to Taehyung waving cheerily, as if he had been waiting nearby for people to arrive. Which, knowing Taehyung, was probably exactly what he had done. "You're finally here! You two are the last to arrive, come on in!"

"But we were five minutes early...?" Namjoon begins, but Taehyung has already spun on his heel, walking further into the jubilantly decked-out inside of the house. Seokjin shrugs at him, motioning for them to follow his friend in.

"That's just how Taehyung is, he's a bit... passionate about holiday parties,"

"Yeah, I couldn't tell from all the lights outside,"

Seokjin doesn't respond to Namjoon's remark, just grabbing his hand and lightly pulling him through the doorway and into the kitchen. Namjoon nearly drops the tray onto the ground, and the only thing which keeps him from doing that is steadying himself against Seokjin. He glares at Seokjin, who can't contain his laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, we both already knew I'm a klutz,"

"Doesn't mean it's not still funny,"

As they enter the kitchen, it's clear they're not the only ones already having a bit of fun; throughout the rest of the group the banter, singing, and jokes so terrible they wrap around to being funny again have already begun and are in full speed. There's a lull as they stop to greet Namjoon and Seokjin, who are, indeed, somehow the last ones there, but it quickly resumes, the only change being that Namjoon and Seokjin are now participating as well.

It takes mere minutes for Namjoon to make Seokjin's heart feel as if it's going to burst, sitting in the chair right next to him, arm snugly around his midriff and hand occasionally reaching up to entangle itself in his hair affectionately. It takes every bit of his willpower to not melt into a blubbering mess at the smallest of touches, to not reach over to the man ever so close to him and admit that he was enjoying all of this much more than he should, that he wanted so desperately for this to be real .

won't you fa-la-la-la-love me too? || namjin || ✔Where stories live. Discover now