4. cookies and cuddles

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Seokjin was not fine, and no matter how hard he tried to deny it, no matter how long he spent convincing himself his feelings weren't real, he couldn't escape the fact that he was falling, falling, falling so rapidly for Kim Namjoon. He was everything he could have ever wished for in a guy, handsome and intelligent and kind and just straight-up enthralling to talk to. It hadn't even been a week since he had started getting to know Namjoon and Seokjin had already found himself enchanted by him. Everything he did seemed to make him want to get closer and closer.

Even now, as Namjoon accidentally knocks the bowl of wet ingredients onto the floor of Seokjin's parents' house and nearly spills the bag of flour when trying to clean it up, he somehow still manages to be endearing as ever.

Seokjin had thought it would be a good idea to make Christmas cookies together, both as something they could do (he passed it off to Namjoon as another fake date, but it was honestly just self-indulgent) and a way for him to start teaching Namjoon to cook. Now, with Namjoon having managed to somehow get raw egg in his hair, he wasn't entirely sure his judgement had been correct.

Namjoon, as it turned out, had a special talent: being able to destroy or mess up almost anything he dealt with. Seokjin had thought he was clumsy before, but it was nothing compared to the mess he was in the kitchen. Now Seokjin knew why Namjoon had been desperate enough to learn how to cook to agree to be his fake date; Namjoon was horrible at baking, and Seokjin would be willing to bet the same thing applied to cooking. They hadn't even finished with the batter yet. After all of it, though, Seokjin couldn't even bring himself to be irritated at Namjoon, not with how profusely he apologized and the jokes he slipped in their conversations to lighten up the mood again.

"Well, I guess you could say I'm doing a pretty crummy job at mixing these ingredients," Namjoon says, smirking at Seokjin, who shakes his head at the man's third stupid pun of the last half hour. Stupid, but it's obvious Namjoon already knows that – it's his goal, because Seokjin's seen him make good jokes. This isn't meant to be one of them.

"Well, now that we've got all of our ingredients out again, I'll show you how to do it properly and not in a way where you manage to fling them off of the counter," Seokjin says, moving closer as Namjoon picks up the bowl of dry ingredients and a whisk, putting them closer to the newly-poured wet ingredients.

Namjoon pours the dry ingredients into the bowl of wet ones, and even though it's the absolute bare minimum, at least he didn't manage to spill them this time.

"Good so far,"

"Yeah, because this is really easy to mess up, pouring something from one bowl into another,"

"You just knocked a bowl of ingredients off the counter while trying to mix them, my expectations are not high,"

"I can mix correctly, don't you worry. It's...well, everything else that I struggle with," Namjoon shrugs, whisking around the ingredients, one hand on the whisk and the other on the counter. The whisk dings against the side of the bowl, slowly pushing it towards the edge of the counter. Seokjin shakes his head yet again, this time with a small smile.

"I'm not so sure about that,"

Seokjin steps up from behind Namjoon, clutching the bowl in one hand and gently placing his other hand on top of Namjoon's. Swishing the whisk around in a smooth, quick pattern, he demonstrates, and soon enough Namjoon gets the hang of it himself.

"Perfect. See, it'll be a lot better this way," he says, removing his hands and moving back again, and immediately misses the warmth of Namjoon's hand. He supposes it was nice while it lasted.

As he observes Namjoon continue to mix the ingredients how Seokjin showed him to, he realizes that even though the man is completely incompetent at cooking now, he has a great capacity to learn. He just needs to be shown how to do things, and from there he's actually pretty good. Based on what he's observing, Namjoon is incredibly quick to pick things up.

won't you fa-la-la-la-love me too? || namjin || ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora