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"Hn. I agree, those weapons are wasted on you weaklings." A smirking Uchiha followed behind the pink haired girl.

Yugao took a deep breath and then responded with a forced smile. "These guys are getting weapons because I believe it will complement their skills while allowing me to better train them, as I'm a kenjutsu specialist. Kakashi on the other hand is known as the copy ninja because he has copied over 1000 jutsu from his foes over the years. He should be able to train you in more and better ninjutsu and genjutsu than I can provide for my team. Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

"Hn. Whatever." Sasuke turned around with a scowl and returned to his kunai throwing. Sakura remained where she was, simply watching Sasuke walk off.

Seeing that the Haruno wasn't saying anything else, Yugao turned back to her team. Hayate and I will begin training you now. But since there are only two of us, the one who isn't learning to use their weapon will perform the tree climbing exercise."

"I can already climb trees, sensei." Konami said with confusion.

"Haha, no Konami. Climbing with chakra, like this." She laughed as she walked straight up a tree, stopping while hanging upside down from a branch. She had an amused smirk on her face seeing the shocked faces of her students. "Naruto, since your weapon requires very levels of chakra control, you will start with the tree climbing. Hinata you will be with Hayate, Konami, you're with me." She smiled as she jumped down, landing in a crouch.

A Couple Hours Later

A trio of sweaty and exhausted genin sat in a pile, leaning against one another. Hinata and Konami made it to the top of the tree, as evidenced by their kunai marks on the tree. Naruto made it most of the way up thanks to a lot of guidance from the rest of the team.

Hinata was able to catch onto using the chain almost immediately, blending it fluidly into her taijutsu, but was still afraid of swinging around the sickle. Although the weight of the chain did wear her out more quickly than normal.

Naruto couldn't even hope to channel chakra into his blades yet, so instead he practiced a few street fighting stances and practiced cutting while punching with the handheld blades.

Konami barely spent on time on the harpoon, basically just learning how to throw it without letting go of the chain. For the most part, however, she was trained in the basic stances and guards for one handed sword fighting. Nothing fancy, but definitely an important foundation for most kenjutsu styles.

The next few weeks for team 9 consisted of either various D rank missions or training sessions like this one to improve each team members' kenjutsu and chakra control. At least that was until one morning when the Uzumakis were late.

"You'll never believe what that stupid teme did! Guess!" Naruto shouted as he arrived at the training ground, followed by an out of breath Konami.

"W-wha-" started Hinata.

"He showed up at our front door just to rub in our faces that his team already got a C ranked mission!" Naruto interrupted.

"Well.. from what I've seen of team 7's training, they're not ready." Yugao-sensei commented.

"Huh? Why's that?" Naruto asked, calming down.

"Hmm... why don't you all tell me?"

"T-they don't practice teamwork?" The timid Hyuuga suggested.

"Pink-hair doesn't do any training, she just stands around ogling the Uchiha." Konami said emotionlessly.

"That teme thinks he's better than everyone, so he'll probably just run in and get beat up or leave his whole team behind." Naruto grunted with his arms crossed.

Uzumaki Konami: Secret Child of a False GodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя