Another Uzumaki Kid?

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Konohagakure no Sato - Hokage's Office

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third, and recently reappointed, Hokage begrudgingly walked back down the steps from the roof of the Hokage's tower to the place he dreads the most- his office.

Sighing to himself as he taps the ashes out of his pipe, "Minato... you left too soon. It's one thing to leave behind your son and the village you swore to protect, but it's another to leave before finding a successor so I'm not dragged back here to waste away on this ridiculous paperwork! I don't care about what those old fools on the civilian council want wi- huh?" The Hokage suddenly stopped in the doorway to his office. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Instead of his pile of papers to sign on his desk, there was a baby wrapped in a cloth. Slumped on the floor were two unmoving ANBU agents. Snapping out of it, Sarutobi ran forward and checked the pulses of the two guards.

"Just unconscious, that's good.." he breathed out before clapping his hands to summon more ANBU. After ordering them to investigate for signs of an intruder, he then moved to get a closer look at the infant sleeping on his desk.

He couldn't help but smile warmly as he looked upon the child who couldn't be more than a couple weeks old. It had cute, symmetrical features and burgundy colored fuzzy hair. The infant seemed to have three complex circular seals tattooed onto her left, inner forearm. Hiruzen didn't recognize any, but then again he wasn't a seal master like his student, Jiraiya, or recently deceased successor, Minato. The first seal looked non-descript, the middle one had what looked to be a... paper crane? And the third contained many concentric circles. After inspecting the seals, the old man noticed a letter tucked under the child's blanket. He picked it up and what he saw made his breath catch in his throat as he dropped the paper, letting it flutter to the floor.

Lord Hokage,

I'm sorry about the uninvited visit, but I couldn't think to turn anywhere else or trust anyone else. I am unfortunately unable to care for my daughter as I fear her father and I will have perished in the battle against Hanzo the Salamander by the time you read this. I wish I could see her grow up to be an incredible shinobi, but you can't always get what you want. The three seals on her are ones I created that contain information scrolls to explain her powers should she awaken either of her parents kekkei genkai. I decided to trust in the home of my sensei, the man who saved our lives and gave us the strength to fight for peace in our homeland. I hope you don't let me down, sensei of Jiraiya.

Please give Konami Uzumaki the happy childhood I wasn't able to have.



Sarutobi picked up and reread the letter, cursing the headaches it brought on as he considered his choices carefully.

It had barely been 8 months since the Kyuubi attack and Konoha was still weakened. He had no doubt Jiraiya would rush straight to Ame if he learned his beloved students hadn't died all those years ago, especially the rinnegan holder who might have been the child of destiny as foretold by the toad sages. He needed Jiraiya to maintain his focus on his spy network to identify any potential threats to the weakened leaf. But still, judging by the last name, could there be a chance that this child could awaken the legendary rinnegan?

Another issue is the last name of the infant. Uzumaki. He had given this name to young Naruto rather than Namikaze to protect him and he couldn't bare to cut off his connection to both parents by denying him a last name altogether. But what to do about this girl? The Uzumaki family history was wiped from the books for a reason. Having two unrelated Uzumaki would raise too many questions for comfort.

Setting down the letter, the third Hokage sighed deeply and massages his temples before looking back upon the baby, who had just woken up. Seeing the innocent giggle of Konami and her bright orange eyes looking up at him, he knew he had no choice but to protect the child.

And with that he reached his decision.

Hokage Monument - 11 Years Later

"Hahahaha, this is the best prank in the history of Konoha, believe it!" A blond haired kid yelled as he finished defacing a national monument, swinging on the rope he was tied to.

"I do believe it, bro! But we gotta go soon before they catch us, ya know?" A very nervous burgundy haired girl of about the same age called out as she carefully leaned over the edge of the top of the monument.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm done so hurry and pull me up!"

"Umm.. ok! I'll try but I don't know if I can lift you so you'll have to help me out here."

He made it halfway up when the rope suddenly slipped down a few feet as Naruto heard a scream from above him, nearly giving him a heart attack.

"What's the big idea, sis!? You almost dropped me!"

"They're here! They found us, Naruto!" She called down to him as they both started to panic before managing to pull Naruto the rest of the way up. Then, the Uzumaki pair did the only thing they could- they made a run for it.

The so-called twin demons of the leaf ran through the streets with a small army of chuunin chasing them. Naruto laughing maniacally while Konami was sort of laughing while also sort of crying. The boy then whipped out a hand-made sheet to camouflage with a fence and hid behind it while the girl fell flat on her face in the middle of the street.

Naruto silently mourned his sister's capture as she was tied up and dragged back to the academy in tears, with a look of despair on her face. That was, until not thirty seconds later Naruto was found by Iruka-sensei and met the same fate.

Arriving at the academy, tied up on top of each other, they were met with looks of amusement and disappointment by their peers.

"Troublesome brats..." A certain human pineapple muttered under his breath.

"Ok everyone! Now that we're all here, because of these two troublemakers, you'll all have to redo your transformation jutsu demonstrations." Iruka said while glaring at the Uzumaki kids out of the corner of his eye.

This announcement was met with groans and shouts of protests from the whole class, and earned the tied up duo a new set of glares from their classmates.

Eventually after everyone else had gone, Naruto and Konami were cut loose and were told to demonstrate the transformation jutsu. Naruto performed a jutsu that earned him a scolding from his sensei and an embarrassed fist in the face from Konami. She tried to perform the jutsu but it resulted in a 12 year old's height version of Iruka with a lopsided face without a nose, resulting in laughs and retching sounds from the class.

"Konami... you fail again. As punishment you'll have an additional homework assignment due tomorrow. If you don't turn it in at the start of class you won't be eligible to take the graduation exam." Iruka-sensei said in a matter-of-fact tone. Konami just looked at the floor in shame and nodded, sniffling and trying to hold back her tears as she walked up to her seat next to Hinata Hyuuga, her best friend besides Naruto.

"T-there, there. I-it's o-ok, Konami-chan." Hinata tried to comfort her friend.

Konami wiped her eyes dry with the sleeve of her long sleeve navy blue shirt and smiled at her friend before returning her focus to the class. She was determined to graduate with her brother tomorrow and become real shinobi.

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