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Hunter was beyond nervous. He finished his potions class and was on his way to History with Edric. He still didn't know why Edric was upset. Was it because I kinda just ran off yesterday to my next class? I don't think so... It's probably his own personal biz, unless I'm forgetting something. Hunter shrugged, maybe Edric would tell him this class. He entered the classroom and Edric was surprisingly already there but he had his head down on the table and was quite and unmoving. Hunter frowned and walked over to his seat beside him. He sat down and Edric made no move to acknowledge his presence. Hunter sat there in awkward silence for a solid 5 minutes before deciding to do something. He lightly nudged Edric's arm, but Edric didn't move. Hunter again nudged Edric's arm this time leaning down towards his ear.

"Edric, are you ok?" Edric didn't respond but suddenly Hunter heard feint snores coming from the green haired boy. Ohhh he's asleep. Hunter stopped bothering him and decided to talk to him when he wakes up. Suddenly the late bell went off and it startled Edric awake. He looked disorientated for a second until he regained his composer and noticed Hunter next to him. Edric frowned and put his head back down.

Hunter decided now was the time to talk. "Hey Edric, you okay?" Hunter could barely make out his response but it was a very feint "No..."

Hunter frowned feeling a pang of hurt. Edric sounded heartbroken, I'm going to kill whoever did this to him. Wait...stop for a second Hunter, why do you care so much, it's Edric just an asset to get to the human? Well in order to get close to him I need to befriend. Yeah that's why I care, only about the mission yeah...right?

Hunter whispered softly to Edric. "Well then what's wrong?"

Edric finally took his head up, and looked up with glazed watery eyes. Under his eyes were huge bags and red streaks from tears. He definitely has been crying and still is. Hunter's heart broke at the sight of him. Then something happened.

It all happened so fast Hunter wasn't even sure what was happening, until he felt himself being pulled into Edric's warm embrace. Edric has his arms around Hunter's waist and his head on his shoulder, light sobs coming. Hunter didn't react right away, he wasn't used to affection like this, but he put his arms around Edric non the less.

It was nice, Hunter closed his eyes breathing out, feeling nothing but calm in this moment, everything just felt right, in Edric's arms. But then reality hit Hunter like a ton of bricks when he remembered Belos' words about not getting distracted. He moved to pull away and Edric followed suite, wiping away the tears after.

Hunter looked at Edric softly. "So what's wrong Ed?"

Edric tried to talk without breaking down into tears again. "It's honestly really stupid." He said blushing and looking away.

Hunter put a hand on Edric's shoulder causing him to look up, shocked from the sudden contact. Hunter looked straight into Edric's gold eyes and talked straight on impulse. "Edric, nothing you say will ever be stupid to me."

Edric stared wide eyed, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. "Ok, well there's um this guy..."

There's a guy? Hunter couldn't help feel slightly jealous and he didn't know why.

Edric continued. "And the thing is, I kinda like this guy..." Now Hunter felt really jealous and he really still didn't know why. Also who ever this guy is that made Edric this upset was going to be sorry.

"Well anyways the guy um he was at my window Monday night and he said that he would see me the next day, and um he um..." Edric started to choke up a bit on his words. "He never showed up...." Edric said looking down, tears pricking his eyes again.

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