The Day and Night before

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"Ok, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT???" Emira whisper yelled as to not aware Amity and the others that they were there. Edric was trying to come up with something to say but he didn't know what.

"I'm not really sure."

Emira scoffed. "You're not sure? Edric, he was just spying on Mittens, Luz, Willow, and Gus. He's up to something."

Edric was torn, in truth it did appear as if he was spying, but for some reason Edric felt the strong need to defend him.

"Maybe...uh... maybe he was just looking for something else." Edric nervously smiled.

Emira frowned and shook her head at him. "Really Edric, don't be a simp, you know he was up to something."

I'm not a simp, am I? "Well then why did he look so sad?"

Emira paused for a second. "I don't know, maybe he knew we were here and was trying to guilt us."

Edric idmediatly replied. "He wouldn't do that!! He was probably just lonely or something."

Emira sighed. "Edric, I know you have a crush on him but you can't just make up this stuff."

"I'm not making it up, he told me," Edric blurting out, not meaning to. He hadn't told Emira about their meeting in the woods last night, or that he gave him a ride home.

"He told you, when?" Emira said raising an eyebrow.

Edric looked at the ground embarrassed. "Last night...I saw him land in the clearing next to our house, so I went there and we talked. He told me that he gets pretty lonely at the castle, then...he gave me a ride home."

Emira looked mad at first but then she suddenly dropped her frown, and smiled.
"That's amazing Edric, you're getting to know him...buuuuut that still doesn't excuse the fact that he was spying on our sister."

Edric didn't know a reasonable reason as to why the Golden Guard was spying on them, and he didn't want to.

"Well all that matters is that he didn't do anything, and Mittens is fine."

Emira sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, let's just go home, we have school tomorrow and we have homework to finish."

Edric's face lit up. "Ooh, and I have to feed Batric." Edric said while running towards the direction of home. Emira smirked and shook her head, following after him.

. . .

It was around 11 o clock pm. Edric and Emira both finished their homework, and Amity had already come home. Everyone was already in bed, everyone except Edric. He was at his big window again, just staring at the sky. He got lucky last time, so maybe he would see him again and get to ask him what he was doing early, and more importantly why he looked so sad. Edric still wasn't sure what was so appealing to him about the Golden Guard. Like their first meeting was him just yelling at him, Edric almost got jailed. But their was just something that clicked when he saw him, just a sort of spark. Come on Edric, that's so unbelievably cringe and cliche. But it's true. Maybe it's the magic of this world. I don't know. Edric sighed. I just wish I knew what he looked like underneath that mask. Suddenly a shooting star went by and Edric said to hell with it. "I wish I could know who's underneath that golden mask, I wish I knew the real him..."

Edric decided it was kinda late so he crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep, unaware that his wish was soon to come true...


Hunter lay awake in his bed, nervous of the next day. What if the human doesn't believe me, what if the Blight girl tries to attack me, and what if... Suddenly Edric came to his mind. What if I see him and he doesn't like me and want to be my friend? What if he recognizes my voice? What if I can't use him to get to Luz? Hunter decided to calm down, and try to get some sleep, because he has a long day tomorrow ahead of him.

Word Count: 690 nice 😏

Kind of a shorter chapter today but we are finally going to get to Hexside now, the wait is over. Also we are ranked #12 in Hunter, and #7 in Edric, thankyou all so much. Hope you liked this chapter, and have a good day/night, timezones am I right.

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