"She's so aggravating." Ezra sighed as she practically fell into Angela's arms the next morning, the two of them near her car as they waited for the day to start. Students were slowly pulling in, and they were only there early because Ezra picked Angela up. "Edward this and Edward that. Dude's got a whole ass woman to love and she thinks he'll choose her."

"Are we still on for tonight?" Ezra had told Angela that she wanted her to sleep over at her house, claiming that her mother demanded to meet her friend. "Or did I pack my bag for no reason?"

"Heck yeah we're on for tonight! I need to show you my uber cool room." Ezra faked a snobby voice, the two of them laughing. "My momma knows me like the back of my dad's hand. She knows him, too."

"I would hope so, she did marry him." They laughed tiredly, Ezra perking up and eyeing Emmett's Jeep as the Cullens pulled into the lot.

"Oh my stars." She sighed dreamily, placing a hand on her forehead. "Ang, catch me, I think I'm falling."

Emmett was standing as Jasper drove the car, smirking when he heard Ezra fawning over his car. Everyone but Edward showed up, Ezra pausing mid sentence when she noticed that Alice wasn't as happy as she was the day before.

"Come on."

"Huh?" Angela was suddenly being dragged behind her, Ezra calling out to Alice and making the siblings stop.

"Hey, uh....here!" Ezra slid her favorite pink bracelet off of her wrist, handing it to Alice as she suddenly grew shy. "Uh, it helps me when I'm feeling down. S-so I thought you could wear it until you're feeling better."

"Thank you." Alice's smile brightened as her eyes filled with tears that wouldn't fall, putting the bracelet on. Ezra watched them leave, sighing as she turned to Angela for comfort.

"Your mother gave you that bracelet." She whispered in disbelief, holding her friend closer as she cried.

"I know." Her birth mother had gifted her that bracelet before her death, which made it all the more special for her. But for some reason, she didn't want to see Alice sad.

"Here." Alice had come up to the table Ezra and Angela were at, handing the bracelet to her as her usually bubbly personality was back. Ezra immediately slid it on, holding her arm close to her as she finally relaxed.

"You can sit, Alice." Angela softly said, offering her a kind smile while pulling the chair next to her out for her. She took the seat, Ezra taking another moment with her bracelet before returning to her food.

"So, is Edward as mean as he seems? Cause he looks like he'll kick someone's grandma just for looking at him." It was quiet before the three of them burst out laughing, catching the attention of the siblings. "I'm just kidding. But serious question, how much does Emmett lift?"

"You are not fighting Emmett for Rosalie." Angela said before Alice could answer, Ezra groaning and pouting.

"I'll treat both of them like royalty though." She weakly argued, crossing her arms. "Plus, I doubt Jasper's actually single."

"Oh, he is." Alice said, Ezra suddenly shooting up straight.

"He is? Really?" She asked, Alice nodding as Ezra smiled brightly. "So I can actually talk to him and not worry about some crazy girlfriend appearing out of nowhere? Not that I'd actually have the balls to talk to him, I mean look at him."

She sighed as she looked over at Jasper, her nose scrunching when she took notice of his messy hair. On impulse, she got up and approached the table, freezing when she realized that she was about to do something weird. Alice and Angela were laughing behind her as Jasper looked up at her, Ezra nervously laughing.

"Oh, uh, wow- uh, I-I honestly- whew stars this is hard." Ezra took a deep breath before hesitantly reaching out, Jasper pausing as his eyes never left her face. She ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes widening as she subconsciously got closer. "You're hair is so soft. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, ma'am." He finally spoke, Ezra's eyes flickering to his in surprise before excitement suddenly filled them.

"You're from the South? Grammie Lola lives there, my Momma takes me there every holiday." Ezra said, not noticing that her hand had come to rest on his cheek, or that she had somewhat mocked his accent a little. "Have you been there recently?"

"Went there last week." Was his short lie, Jasper wanting to keep her near him for as long as possible. Ezra nodded before going back to messing with his hair.

"Oh oh oh, can I style your hair?" She suddenly asked, Jasper nodding before reluctantly returning his attention to his book. "Oooo, interest in the Civil War? If you ever need help, I can try my hand at it."

"You know history?" Emmett spoke up, startling Ezra as she stared at him wide eyed.


"Of course she knows history." Rosalie spoke next, elbowing him as Ezra turned her eyes on her. "Or else she wouldn't have offered to help."

"Marry me."

"Huh?" Emmett asked, grinning as Ezra went back to styling Jasper's hair.

"What? I didn't hear anything." She mumbled, stepping back to admire her work. She smiled, spun around on her heel, and skipped back to the table. "Maybe I do have the balls to talk to him."

"Maybe? Ezzie, you were just over there touching his hair." Alice said in disbelief, Ezra nodding as she sighed.

"It was impulsive, I didn't actually mean to do it but it was messy and bothering me." She said as she reached over and fixed a piece of Alice's hair. "Momma says I have OCD, but I don't see it."

"She ignores anything that isn't diagnosed by a doctor." Angela said before Alice could question it. As an example, Angela pushed her lunch box a bit, Ezra pushing it back to its exact spot. "I'm surprised you're letting me sleep in your room."

"Took a lot of talking to." Ezra said as she packed everything away, the bell ringing shortly after. "But I know you wouldn't move anything. Plus, this could be a great way to start hosting sleep overs."

"Everything is either color coordinated or in alphabetical order. It's either one or the other with her." Alice had chose to walk with them as they headed to class. "Last time I invited her to my house to study, she ended up rearranging everything before she could focus."

"Your parents liked it." Ezra grumbled in defense, sulking behind the two girls as Angela gave her a rundown on what she called 'Ezra Undiagnosed.'

"The only thing she's actually been diagnosed with is depression, and she calls her antis her 'happy candy.'"

"Because I feel happier when I take them." She was teased for calling her medication her 'happy candy' when she first started, but everyone got used to it.

"OCD, some sort of ADD or ADHD, and depression. Yet she's still the most hardworking person I've met, and I feel lucky to call her my friend." Angela gloated as she slung an arm around Ezra's shoulders, who quickly got flustered.

"Ah, here's my stop." The two girls laughed as she hugged them bye and quickly walked into her class, chatting about anything else.

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