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Beyoncé Pov

Today is the day....and we can't stop crying. We fell asleep crying and woke up doing the same. I can't believe she's leaving in just a few hours. My heart feels swollen and my head hurts like hell.

My baby Nika is about to be hours away from me. A whole ass day! 26 hours! So I can't just drive a little distance to her, I have to fly! She's really about to go.

All of her stuff was shipped there by a moving truck the other day, and she's actually leaving today.

This feels like the worst and best day of my life all in one. Worst because she's leaving and there's no telling when she'll be back. Best because she's going to do something for her future and i'm proud of her. She's really smart and deserves all the success in the world.

We're making breakfast to start the day off. Well Onika, Momma Carol and Mama are making breakfast. Me, Dad, and Robert are just really in the way. It's best that way.

My arms are around Onikas waist and she's snuggled into my hoodie. My baby is tired. Her eyes are so red and puffy from crying and her hair....we went at it as well.

She demanded that we sexed until we couldn't. But we went to my apartment for that of course. I'm sure everyone knew why we left, so they asked no questions when we came here at 6am crying.

"Look at y'all...cry babies." Mama chuckled. I ignored her and held Nic tighter. She had a pout on her face and was rubbing her eye. These long nails are gonna take one out one of these days.

"We have 7 hours until it's time for her to go." I croaked. It's 7am and she leave at 3. Of course we have to be at the airport before then. I'm going fucking crazy because I don't want her to leave.

I'm never leaving my room until she comes back.

We stood there and rocked until breakfast was ready. She'd given up on helping because Momma Carol was moving around with that pregnant belly. It's not big, but it's not small either. You'll definitely get hit by it though. I think she'd like 5 or 6 months. Something close to that.

"Let's enjoy this last breakfast as a group for a while.." Momma Carol said lowly. She's been sad as well.

Everyone has. Ginger and Dina said their goodbyes last night because they had to catch their flight to their college. Everyone's leaving me....ugh. I need to figure my life out. Right now i'm just going to college to finish the four years.

We ate out breakfast, talking about memories and goals. It feels like someone is about to die... the way everyone is acting.

In no time, it was 9am. A tear fell as I watched the clock change.

"Bey...I won't be gone that long baby. Please stop crying. I've come to terms with me leaving, you're the only one boo." Onika chuckled.

I shrugged my shoulders and slumped on the couch. It's not the same!

"BB I love you so much. Thank you for being with me and sticking by my side through everything. When I was weird and shy, to being a rebel child causing everyone problems. You even whooped my ass and made me come back to reality. I love you for everything you've done because it all helped me more than anything. You're the best partner anyone could ask for. I don't know where I would be without you. Probably still the awkward girl that has all this protection from her Daddy. You helped me open my mouth and speak up about things that I wasn't okay with.

You even helped me with keeping my mouth shut about some things because I would speak my mind about whatever. You're a best friend more than anything and I wouldn't ask for anyone better. I love you so so so much." Onika straddled my lap.

In front of out parents but hey...they know what's up. I was full on sobbing in her chest now. It was silent as I cried and she lifted my head. "I love you." I whispered. She nodded and kissed my lips.

We sat like that for so long, it was 11am when we got up. I groaned at the time and they chuckled at me. "Who the fuck controls the time!?" I shouted. They laughed as we headed out to the car. Onika wants to go see Kayla and see how she's holding up.

When we pulled into their house, Kayla opened the door quickly. Tears. They hugged each other and rocked side to side. Aren't they going to the same college? And they're roommates. Robert threatened the shit out of that lady and made them but the two together. It worked.

"I am so tired of crying! I don't even know what i'm crying for because my boyfriend isn't sad he's happy for me and i'm happy for me too but...I don't know." Kayla sobbed.

They went to her room and talked about how they would set up their dorm....it's like 12pm now and i'm getting sad again.

We left Kayla's and went back to her house. Our parents were talking on the couch, so we joined them on the floor. I laid on Onikas chest and watched whatever was on the Tv. Some weird Lifetime movie.

"Nika....it's time to go baby." Momma Carol spoke. We looked at each other and walked out to the car. I was wrapped around her the whole time, not wanting to let go.

It was like an hour drive to the airport, which made it like 3pm. Damn the time ain't wasting none.

We sat in the airport waiting for it to be time for her to load the plane.

"Nika....I love you and I want you to call me every day I don't care what happens. If you don't call me i'm gonna call you. I'll call when I wake up, when I go to sleep. Everything. I want the same for my you seriously. If you don't, i'll blow your phone up and you know I will. Promise me you'll call?" I held my pinky out.

She latched on and we kissed our thumbs.

"Call me as soon as you land. I'm not kidding. Look me in my face and tell me you understand." I said seriously.

She chuckled and grabbed my face, kissing my lips.

"I understand. I promise i'll call you everyday and night. When I land i'll call, when I get to the dorm i'll call. I gotchu baby." She smiled and wiped my tears.

I looked down at what she had on and it was my favorite hoodie. Since her stuff was shipped off already, she's been wearing all of my stuff. Literally everything. She's taking a backpack full of the stuff she wore.

"Since you're taking my hoodie, you better have it on all the time!....Let me see your neck." I tilted her head. She laughed at me as I sucked it. I really don't care about these parents, they better close their eyes.

This isn't the time.

I left a really big purple hickey on her neck that will for sure take days to leave. Any nigga try her gon see that and leave her alone.

"You are so extra!" She wiped the spit from her neck.

The airport sound went off and her flight was called. I hugged her tightly and handed her the backpack.

"I love you okay!? Call me!" I yelled as she walked away.

"I love you too baby! I'll call you I promise! I can call you in the place because I paid for the wifi! I love you BB! Love you Mommy and Daddy!" She yelled as she walked.

Kayla was doing the same thing with her family as they met at the door.

"I'll never forget you!" She yelled as the door shut.

My baby is really gone...going to live her life as the successful woman she is.


She better call me.

THE END!!!!!! 👊🏾🫶🏾

Awww thank you guys for all the support and love you showed on this book. I'm really appreciative and love you guys for it!

Now if you could go to my other books and show some love! I would appreciate it. I mean you don't have to lol🥹 but i love you guys!

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