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Beyoncé Pov

"Get on the bed and take yo clothes off." I gritted. She looked at me with wide eyes and sat on the bed. "W-why?" She asked high pitched. I gave her a look and she hurriedly stood up to take her pants off.

Hardheaded ass.

I'm finna tear her ass up. I'm really excited because i'm about to fold her up. If I show my excitement she'll think i'm playing with her. She probably think this just about to be sex. Hell no.

"Bey why do I have to take my clothes off? Can I get in the shower and wash this bitch marks off me? Look how scratched up I am. And look at my face." She whined.

This damn scratch on her face will be used for everything she says. I just looked at her. Yes she does need to get in the shower. Dried up blood all on her. Ew. "You got 15 minutes." I opened the bathroom door. Her jaw dropped and she scoffed. Here she go.

"I'm not playing. Take longer and watch I yank yo ass out by that ponytail." I said calmly. Walking to my closet. She slowly took the holder out of her hair and walked slowly to the bathroom.

Her time started when she asked so I don't know why she trynna take her time. I swear she acts slow sometimes. For her to be so smart, he common sense radar is very low. It amazes me sometimes. Maybe it's the weed that's fucking her up.

Gotta stop. Imma make her stop smoking next. Because every time she getting in trouble, she high. It's over dramatic at this point.

For the time being, I watched Tv because I just know she'll take longer than what I said. I'll let her have a few extra minutes just cause I know how she gets when she doesn't have a shower. After I finish what I'm finna do, she'll need another one but whatever makes her happy.

When I felt like she was good, I started banging on the door. I heard something fall and she yelped. Scary ass. Shouldn't be so bad.

"Bring yo ass out." I shouted. She mumbled something and I opened the door. This girl was wrapped in a towel, looking at herself in the mirror. "Hurry up. And don't put shit on." I shut the door back.

After some time, she came out in her bra and underwear. Strike 1. "Sit down so I can talk to you. There's some new rules for you and I expect you to follow em."

She sat on the bed and criss crossed her legs, looking at me. I copied her and we sat face to face. "Rule number one.....no more smoking." I flat out said. She looked like she was about to cry. Oh well. It can't be that serious.

"Bey.....no you can't do that. How am I gonna cope?" She whimpered. Cope? She act like she so depressed. Wanna be depressed so bad.

"You heard what I said....now, who is this new girl you hanging with?" I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through my hair. "That's Kayla....she's a nice girl. She's not bad or anything, like at all. That's the closest i'm gonna get to a good friend right now." She mumbled. Her elbow was on her knee with her chin in her palm. She wasn't even looking at me anymore, playing with the strings of my cover.

I can't feel bad because I know how she really is and this isn't it. It's fucking with me because why is she changing? I know she said she wanted to act her age and be mature, but not like this. Her whole personality changed and that's not good. But after today, she'll be back to her normal self. I guarantee that.

"She seems nice. But I meant it when I said you done smoking...i'm serious. Now take that shit off cause I said come out in nothing. That's strike 1." I stood from the bed.

She looked up at me with pleading eyes before standing up and sliding her underwear off, and next her bra. I watched her look up at me with an innocent face and I swear I wanted to fold. But I had to think about the shit she been doing.

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