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"You know I only say it 'cause in truly genuine. Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem."

Onika Pov
Hospital Room

Another unexpected painful morning. I woke up not able to move because there was a huge cramp in my side. I'm used to cramping bad, but this right here was worse than a period cramp. It felt like someone was literally pushing a never ending knife in me. To add to it, it's in the same spot the bullet hit me at.

It's just me and Momma because it was way to early in the morning to wake everyone up.

We've been here for hours now. They just want to make sure nothing abnormal happens, but i'm ready to go. When they told me it was nothing but a side effect of the rape, I was ready to leave then. Because I was raped so roughly by multiple people in the same setting, it can cause pains every once in a while. That's so fucked up.

They set us in a room and everything, I don't think they plan on letting us go. I'm about to start acting out because this is ridiculous. I have to sit here for no reason.

"Momma I am ready to gooo" I groaned. She was exhausted and ready to go as well, but she's been on the doctors side this whole time. Ugh. "Onika you're not the only one ready to leave. Chill out." she said leaning back in the reclining chair. I just want to say a few bad words right now, but it's not worth getting hit by her.

After sitting for who knows how many hours, we'd finally been able to leave.

They'd given me more annoying medicine to take. At this point they're just experimenting on me with different shit because this is crazy. I'm already taking two different pills, and a disgusting liquid. That should be enough. Now they gave me 2 more pills, and 2 more liquids. Like why? Half of it is for pain, they're trynna take me out.

I was curled up in the passenger seat as Momma drove us home. Nobody knows that we left, so I wonder if they're awake now.

A few days ago after the movie night, a lot happened that next morning. As expected, Ginger got in trouble by her brothers. They started fighting and eventually got in trouble by Aunt Dee and Uncle Chris.

They're all still here because our parents planned to leave out of state for a business trip tomorrow. Momma kept trying to stay with me, but I'd convinced her I would be fine. I don't want anyone changing their plans or doing extra because of me. It makes me feel weird.

When we pulled into the garage, some of the boys flew through the garage door. They held panicky faces and sighed when they saw us. "Man we thought something happened! Y'all couldn't leave a note or something?!" Michael shouted. Momma hit his chest and made him stop yelling. He's so extra.

Marcus came and lifted me hugging me tightly. "You scared the fuck outta me man." he chuckled. They're crazy. "Yo girlfriend was going crazy foo. She was yelling and panicking. Shit I ain't never seen her do allat." he sat me back down. I giggled and walked into the house.

His hand mushed my head and he held a mug. "I hate that you growing up like this man. You was never supposed to date. EVER! Remember when you promised me you would never date anybody if I gave you my last jolly rancher?" he pouted. I laughed at his silliness and grabbed a water from the fridge.

"You're crazy if you even believed that. You're even more crazy if you still remember that. I was like 5." I took a swig of water, sitting at the island. His eyes got watery and he wiped his face quickly. "Aw Marc. I'm sorry." I got up to hug him. He grabbed me tightly and snuggled into my shoulder. "Just promise you'll always be my little baby sister. Let me be there for you always." I stuck out my pinky and we locked them kissing our thumbs.

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